Thinking of using this to publicly share my thoughts and journey.
I have gone long without fapping before but gave up on it along the way, especially over the last 3 years. I want to get back to it as I’m trying to be productive over the next few years.
In addition to NoFap, I am also starting to track my habits and working towards doing all of the following (almost) every day:
wake up on or before 9 AM
Physical activity
Cold shower/bath
No Fap
No Social Media
Journal & Timeboxing
Basic work
Extended work (at least 3 90 minute stretches of work)
Nutrition/supplements basically includes eating 1 or 2 eggs, vitamin d, ashwagandha, and warm water first thing in the morning.
Just started doing this yesterday and I hope to continue doing this. I did not really intend to start out by doing all of my habits every day so I am not too worried about doing all of them. The main ones that I really want to do are: No Social Media, Meditation and Extended Work. Extended work is the most important one while the rest of the habits are there to make it easier to do extended work every day. It is also the most challenging. My work involves coding and logical thinking, and at least for the moment, it feels like I need to force myself a lot to do it for longer periods of time. Even starting it can be tough because my brain prefers to do something that requires less effort.
Let’s see how this goes!
Hope this resonates with anyone else trying to integrate multiple habits into their lives…
At the end of Day 2 and could do almost all of the habits that I planned (except extended work)
I am at Day 5 of No Fap and the urge is getting a bit distracting… Have to channel that into getting things done so as to not let it impact my other tasks.
I haven’t been able to do as much focused mental work as I would like. But I think I will get better at that as time goes by. When I was younger, I could study for much longer, so I am sure I have it in me.
Made through another day of no fap. Yesterday was the toughest in this stretch.
This guy’s progression on NoFap has been inspiring to see. I didn’t know he was a NoFap guy and thought he was just some YouTube comedian.
Starting another day. This one has got to be easier as I am going out today and won’t be working. Only have to check off all my habits for the day.
Back to my regular routine today and I want to get in the habit of doing more focused hard work. There are certain techniques that I saw online to help do focused work for longer and will try to integrate them to see if they help me work longer.
Urges due to NoFap are definitely there and become more noticeable later in the day. Channel that energy into useful work.
Got to get better at building my mental stamina. I should stop being a weak-a** pu**y. How hard can it be to just sit down and focus on a task? It’s really not that challenging of a thing.
I’ve almost always had to force myself to clean up my room but today after a very long time, I felt the desire to tidy up my room and didn’t need to force myself to do it. It’s a good reminder that No Fap and developing positive habits shows results sooner than you’d expect.
How inspiring . I admire your dedication to this journey. Being in the community was the best move you have made. Praying for your success, brother, and welcome to the community .
Today was a tough day because I have developed fever like symptoms. I still managed to do almost all my habits including going for a 30 minute run. I’m really exhausted especially after the run.
My internal state was also not the best because I kept thinking about some stuff from the past.
Usually, fapping and sleeping it off always cures fever for me but I don’t want to use it as an excuse to fap. Guess I will have to just sleep it off.
Last night was the closest I’ve come to breaking my streak. The person I want to be doesn’t give in to these shallow urges. I’m grateful for whatever that made me decide not to give in to the urges last night.
I still have fever and haven’t recovered fully yet. Hope to get back to normal soon.
Have to adapt my plan to be able to work through this by taking more breaks, medicine, eating healthy. Will get through this. One step at a time.