[25M] strongwillpower's Diary

What is a Totem?

you can find its details here are use its benefits. I have written down in this post. :point_down:

I personally think Totem will prove the most useful thing to fight against URGES and eventually PMO.

Guys, my Totem is ready. Have a look.

Here is my Totem. It’s a chess Board King Piece. For a deeper understanding of my Totem, i will share some specificities of it with you all.

  1. this reminds me of my innocence :- As this chessboard was gifted to me on my 8th or 9th Birthday i think. I’m 21 now and i still have the set with me. ( Although im not a pro :stuck_out_tongue: i just know the rules of it.) Since it is of my childhood, it reminds me of my innocent self who was free from P world.
  2. It reminds me how my life should be :- completely transparent and a clean life. Also this is a white piece who’s opponent is a dark piece which depicts the dark world (P world) and i should stay with the white side. That’s why this is going to stay with me forever.
  3. I choose the King piece because it tells me how i should live like and rule like a king in this competitive world.


As you can see, there is something in the middle of the piece. Yes! You are right! That’s a piece of paper.

I have written 2 Dreams of mine on it, which i will fulfill in the future with God’s grace and hardwork.
Also i have written my NoFap target and the Date of start of my current streak on that paper.
( Im sorry, i can’t share what’s written on it because then the purpose of the Totem is destroyed)

I rolled that paper and put it inside it and glued a magnet to its opening from below.

The magnet will remind me that i should always stick to my Rules and Duties.

Im going to keep this King piece forever with me now. And whenever I’ll get urges/triggers and my brain gets full of it that it can’t thing anything else that fapping, i will look at this totem and let the motives sink into my brain and drain the urges from my brain.
(Because when we get triggers/urges our eye is the input source for that urges, so instead of seeing P, seeing the Totem will help)

I commit here that till the target and the purpose of this totem is not achieved, im not going to open it or share/tell what’s inside it to non of my family members, friends and even not to my girlfriend.

Please share yours thoughts guys, it is very important to me. Because this is the first time(till my knowledge) that a Totem is introduced to fight against NoFap. This can change many lifes. Comments are welcomed.

~ swp


Day 3

:white_check_mark:wake up at 6 am
:white_check_mark:Saptachakra meditation
:white_check_mark:Surya namaskars = 6 (1 extra)
:white_check_mark:Abs day = 33 crunches (3 extra)
:white_check_mark:Study = 4 hour
:white_check_mark:Water = 1.5 ltrs
:white_check_mark:No non-productive Youtube
:white_check_mark:No Pubg
:white_check_mark:Eggs = 2
:white_check_mark:milk = 1 glass
:white_check_mark:Phone usage = 47mins (target:- <1 hr)
:white_check_mark:Anger management research.
:white_check_mark:Plan for tomorrow.
:white_check_mark: रामरक्षा स्तोत्र पठन
:white_check_mark: 1 video daily regarding QuitPorn.

I achieved everything for the first time today.


It is really a good thing brother… and your choice is just fantastic… It will work definitely… all the best brother.


Thanks brother…!! I will make it work.


Hi, this is the first time I have listened about Totem. But the concept looks great and I think it will work. I will also try this. Thanks for sharing

1 Like

Yes… do try it. I want more and more success stories with it. :muscle: You’re most welcome!

Search something in your room that you are emotionally attached to.

Day 4

:white_check_mark:wake up at 6 am
:white_check_mark:Saptachakra meditation
:white_check_mark:Surya namaskars = 5
:white_check_mark:Arms day = 40 pushups
:x:Study = 2 hours
:white_check_mark:Water = 1.5 ltrs
:x:No non-productive Youtube (afternoon bordem)
:white_check_mark:No Pubg
:white_check_mark:milk = 1 glass
:x:Phone usage = 3hrs 22mins (target:- <1 hr)
:x:Anger management research.
:white_check_mark:Plan for tomorrow.
:white_check_mark: रामरक्षा स्तोत्र पठन
:x:1 video daily regarding QuitPorn.

Im quite not good at shedule consistency.

Afternoon boredom roled over me to do some timepass. It consumed a lot of non productive youtube time, instead of my daily QuitPorn video and anger management video.

I’m feeling quite better now. Urges are negligible. Headache has also gone. But boredom is common (lockdown)

If someone asks me for motivation for NoFap , it will be to consume whole day into work and good leisure time. Clean your soul. Purify your thoughts.

Purification will never be done in a day. It will take time. You might get urges in initial days of purification too. But don’t give up thinking that you cannot complete the purification process. Well out of millions of fappers, you are the one who started the purification process. Self gratitude. Do that regularly. It helps to clean the thoughts and self judgements.


How you count amount of phone usage? Is there app for this? @strongwillpower

1 Like

@udaCisie nope. I just do it by looking at the clock. The start time when i take phone in my hand. And the end time when i drop off.

Rewiring Phone Addiction📵📴. Read rules and benefits🏆 (JULY ENTRIES CLOSED) (AUGUST ENTRIES OPEN)

Edit :- there are apps available on playstore to monitor phone usage.

1 Like

Just watched inception 2 days ago. It is great movie.


Day 5

:white_check_mark:wake up at 6 am
:white_check_mark:Saptachakra meditation
:white_check_mark:Surya namaskars = 5
:white_check_mark:Abs day = 30 crunches
:white_check_mark:Study = 5 hours
:white_check_mark:Water = 1 ltrs
:white_check_mark:No non-productive Youtube
:white_check_mark:No Pubg
:x:Eggs (out of supply. shops closed)
:x:milk (i forgot this because of studies :sweat_smile: )
:white_check_mark:Phone usage = 45mins (target:- <1 hr)
:white_check_mark:Anger management research.
:white_check_mark:Plan for tomorrow.
:white_check_mark: रामरक्षा स्तोत्र पठन
:white_check_mark:1 video daily regarding QuitPorn.

Days are going good after some firm life decisions. Hope consistency stays.


Brother…eggs are not needed daily… even maybe it is in ayurvedha… but I heard it from some elder in village that… more than 3 eggs daily(if not required in body… like if you are not doing that nuch workout)…then it can cause DHATU ROG(toilet me dhatu katna)…ho skta h…

Even wheen you do more workout and need protein then never take all protein from 1 source… like some guys eat 6 eggs as Post workout meal… but it is not correct.

You are a ayurvedha student…may be you can search it in a book.


Yes brother. Ati-sevan of anything is always harmful.

We must consume food according to our digestive fire. Thursdays and Saturdays are religious days according to Family so that day i don’t eat eggs.

Also i have these days only to eat eggs and drink milk daily. Once i go back to hostel, supplies are limited. And then for 1-2 months I don’t comsume eggs or milk(on a daily basis)


Day 6

:white_check_mark:wake up at 6 am
:white_check_mark:Saptachakra meditation
:white_check_mark:Surya namaskars = 5
:white_check_mark:Arms day = 44 pushups today
:white_check_mark:Study = 5 hours
:white_check_mark:Water = 1.5 ltrs
:white_check_mark:No non-productive Youtube
:white_check_mark:No Pubg
:white_check_mark:Eggs = 2 omlettes today
:white_check_mark:milk = 1 glass
:white_check_mark:Phone usage = 34mins (target:- <1 hr)
:white_check_mark:Anger management research.
:white_check_mark:Plan for tomorrow.
:white_check_mark: रामरक्षा स्तोत्र पठन
:white_check_mark:1 video daily regarding QuitPorn.

An another perfect day today. Urges are almost negligible. Taking some serious steps in life.

Reading an OCD related book whenever i get time.


Wow man. You are moving very strong this time. You will become the best. We are all with you bro.


Thanks man!! I’ll give my best everyday. Whatever it takes!

Now or Never.


Make this streak last forever!


You got this brother :facepunch:


Definitely @udaCisie
Yes @Rezboy247
It’s Now or Never.