[24 M] Self Musings

Thank you @FapRecovery, but saying it is impossible to leave social media is a little far fetched. The feeling of leaving is because of the disgust i felt after knowing that how these giant money houses are actually using our psychological vulnerabilities to benefit themselves by taking our time and attention while the only 2 things that a person possess are time and attention. From past 4 days i used youtube only for maybe 1 hour and other apps too i did not used much, my screen time has reduced drastically. Offcourse i had to have some filters but the disgust is keeping me away more than the discipline i guess :joy:

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  1. Before relapsing of 13th may i made a streak of 8 days. On last day someone sent me their nds and although i want to leave them and i left them but i still acted as if i wanted them so that they don’t get offended. But since i got a little agitated i searched somethings up and for half an hour i saw maybe triggering pics but still urges were not that much, finally while afternoon nap i edged being half awake and eja***ted.
  2. After a streak of 13 days on 26th May, i wanted to test my sensitive areas and ended up MOing.
  3. Edged while being half awake and eja*****ed.
  4. Wet dream due to dirty thoughts.
  5. Edged while half awake and eja*****ed.
  6. On 31st May again touched the sensitive area and ended up MOing although i was counscious and had plenty time even while Ming to get out of the rut.
    The Greener Side : The only solace i have right now is that probably after 5th may i did not rely on P that much although i had dirty thoughts and urges of watching P before ending the streak on 26th may, i resisted… but on 26th i still opened a social media app where i saw some triggering dps although i did not feel anything and closed them after 5-10 minutes. And yes the main trigger now remains the dirty thoughts and touch curiousities.
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