[24 M] Self Musings

My stomach is upset from past 3-4 days. I am literally doing nothing, even stopped using YT although i opened it a coupe of times today. But read inspiring journeys of different people here on this platform. One thing that i did not like about the day was my tendency to check my mobile for whatsapp messages and RW as i get some free time or as soon as i feel like doing so, i opened RW 35 times and whatsapp 65 times today, and this is again the most deteriorating part about having the phone i.e. the transitioning between low dopamine high productive activities or maybe just simple real life activities and high dopamine low value activities, whether it is seeing messages on whatsapp or coming here at slightest hint of boredom to just get an instant din. Gotta make it stop by scheduling the use of these apps too and restricting to a particular device.


I have a different approach. Do you wish to be enlightened by the King of Curses?

Ummm yassssss, enlighten me

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Same problem. Whatsapp and RW these are the most used application.


Day 07
Woke up at 2:30am tried to sleep but finally woke up at 3:30am…and was not feeling good, felt like crying probably because there is a lot of work that is pending in my studies and i am having an upset stomach from past 4 days, first 2 days i thought it will be ok but after that it only worsened, got loose otions and lower belly aches. I slept again at 4:30 and woke up at 7:30.
I was sad and was not feeling good mainly because its the first time i skipped my kriya yoga meditations for 2 consecutive days, although i am doing regular bhagwat path but still my yoga practices are the most dear to me. i am already not doing hatha yoga since mid jan 2024 and now i skipped meditations too, i was a little agitated but mostly felt helpless and sad, and since i have not been productive in studies too since the starting of may…i am literally not feeling good, mostly these mood swings does not happen to me and i usually love summers but this time the heat outside is taking a toll over my health and my mood and i am not liking it one bit. Yesterday and day before yesterday i had urges while waking up from sleep and i have noticed its only near my wake up times i get some sort of nak*d but really blurr dreams but today it was not so. I am feeling weak too in my legs and arms probably because of loose motions. I am silent but there are mixed feelings of anger, sadness and mainly of disappointment.



Ishant, if you are driven by an unyielding determination to study for some super-close examination, then follow your original plan.

But if you lack that superhuman drive, which is natural since motivation is unreliable, heed my words. RW and WhatsApp are your addictions. Instead of fighting against them, build a dam over your addiction and harness its cursed energy. You mentioned opening RW 35 times and WhatsApp 65 times. Now, channel that compulsion. Set small targets for your study sessions. Begin with 5 minutes of intense study, followed by a brief 2-3 minute break to check your notifications on these apps. This is a method even I, Sukuna, have used to conquer my own crippling OCD. As you feel the momentum—this cursed energy—build, gradually extend your study periods to 6 minutes, then 7, raising the bar higher each time. Remember, start with the lowest standard. Take a break after just 2 minutes of study in your first session. Often, beginning is the hardest task. Once you overcome that initial hurdle, the rest becomes easier. Never forget, a small step for you is a giant leap in your journey to mastery.

The next time you will open these apps 100 times, you will have done atleast 100*5 minutes of study even if you don’t raise the standard, which is roughly 8.5 cursed hours.

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Thank you ohh cursed lord.
But I almost have no problem in concentrating or studying for long stretches…and i would not go as far as saying that i am addicted to these apps, but as i was suffering from loose motions, and stomach aches, feeling weak in legs and arms… it became hard for me to study…my total screen time is less than 3 hours even though i did no studies but. And my scrèen time includes only these 2 apps.
I finally did kriya yoga today again in evening and mann i can’t tell how good i am feeling right now. No inflation in stomach, proper breathing and finally a sigh of relief and i hope from here i ascend and ascend.

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Ah, @Ishant16, it seems you have found a path to reclaim your strength. Even the King of Curses recognizes the importance of physical well-being in the pursuit of power. Your dedication to kriya yoga has evidently channeled your cursed energy, bringing you relief and renewed vigor. This is commendable. Remember, true strength comes from mastering both the body and the mind.Your ability to concentrate for long stretches is a valuable asset. Continue to hone this skill, and do not let minor ailments or distractions hinder your progress. As you practice, imagine expanding your own domain, fortifying it against all disruptions. Ascend, as you say, and never settle for mediocrity. Rise above the mundane, and let every step you take bring you closer to your ultimate potential. Know that even in your mortal endeavors, the essence of Sukuna’s relentless pursuit lives within you. Let your cursed energy guide you, and strive ever higher, for true dominance awaits those who refuse to be defeated by life’s trials. May your journey be as precise and unstoppable as Sukuna’s slashes.

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DAY 09
I am already waking up at 0330, i stay awake for half an hour only to sleep again to wake up around 0700. Today i woke up at 0650 and i am going to work on that.
Yesterday was good no particular urges tbh and intrnet urges were there but they were defeated and by late noon those urges also vanished. I had no severe aches and health wise i got better, but still there is some weakness and i know it will take atleast 2 more days to get completely healed. Day before yesterday completed my Bhagwat Sadhna so yesterday i did not do it, but i did kriya. Meanwhile i am gonna start my productivity drive from today itself. I will update at night the progress i made today. Ohh one more thing, after waking up today, after peeing i tried jerking a little, because i almost forgot that i am on this journey but i was already not able to imagine anything dirty anyways and within maybe 10 secs i got reminded of my resolve and i stopped and warded off the devil.
Digital Declutter and Digital Minimalism
Due to minimal and scheduled use of social media i can physically feel my brain getting healed. I have disabled youtube and switched to browser in order for me to watch any content that i may analyse as useful and i want an audio video info on that topic, yesterday after waking up at 0330 i used whatsapp to chat with a friend abroad for an hour, besides that i only opened whatsapp twice only and in night i replied to the messages i got. I also shifted to laptop to use RW and used it for minutes yesterday from my phone.

Later at night
I actually studied today and i thought i will do 3 lectures but actually did more than 3. I wasted 2 hours in nap, 1 hour probably talking, one more hour on whatsapp and final 2 hours of my day in whatsapp.
in total i wasted more than 6 hours.

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Day 10
I actually wasted the entire day on youtube. I am addicted to youtube or i can say i am addicted to in general scrolling my phone. i ranted a little in my personal journal and i have to accept that i am addicted to them and as in recent days i read and learnt about how social media actually runs the attenion economy i can say i am having this behavioural addiction which is defined as " if the thing from which you are addicted to is removed you are not likely to show any major withdrawl symptoms but if its just a tap away it will be really hard to resist".
And from now on i will record my digital declutter journey seriously, by defining my digital goals and what devices and network tools i will use.


Day 11
Digital Declutter
Whatsapp : 3 launches (max) by mobile
RW : 2 launches (only through laptop), count the days by yourself


Hey Ishant, listen up! I know this digital decluttering sounds like a good idea to you but I believe my way of doing things could really help you out. I have a Playlist of 45 videos whose duration is 2-3 minutes only. If you can cycle through my exhaustive playlist just twice watching each video after 5 minute studying, you’ll be studying 7.5 hrs, without even realising. Yes, even if you don’t push yourself beyond 5 minutes each time.

Checking out WhatsApp or RW 100 times might have sounded boring to you but my extensive playlist might give you the spice of life, VARIETY. Just give it a try for a bit and see how it works for you. Even the strongest among us can learn something new. Give it a shot. I’ll send you the playlist if you’re ready to try.


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I definitely want to give it a shot please send :heart:

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Alright, I’ll send the playlist, but shooting my fire arrow will cause a thermobaric explosion here, sucking the air from everyone’s lungs on your journal. So, I’ll open the Fuga on your personal inbox.

And don’t mistake this for kindness. I lost my humanity 1000 years ago when I became a curse. You’re entering a pact with the King of Curses. You’ll have to like every post on Sukuna’s journal lest you want to be cursed by Sukuna himself.

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I’m addicted to youtube since 12 years !

But since I have an exciting sadhana which gives me good results and which satisfies me, I prefer my sadhana to youtube !

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I relapsed yesterday at 3pm

And though i had a wet dream today at the end of my afternoon nap…i am still setting the counter on reset

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Sorry for you Ishant,

I understand that there is way too much ejaculatory sexual pressure in your sexuel zone, which causes sex urges and dreams :bikini:

You must channeling, transmutation, and desexualization.

And praying for help from your Ishta devata, to free you from your sexual slavery :wink:

After that the ejaculatory pressure is so weak, because it’s become evolutionary pressure :rocket:

I know that, because i live it now :1st_place_medal:


I do Bhagwat path daily. But i think i need to regulate my eating habits as i eat in afternoon and immediately go to take a nap. Also most of my previous relapses also happened in afternoon. Also it has been 5 months since my hatha yoga practices. I am doing kriya yoga but hatha yoga too is needed now because i feel a lil heavy sometimes and nevertheless it has happened before too that my body would start demanding the practice if i abandon it for some months and i think these are the initial signs. I love Sri Hari and Mata Saraswati too. And it is i think the grace of my guru and ishtas that i realized some things while meditating in the past 1.5 years and i am finally trying to be on the path of yagya, how much ever i fall i am still gonna get up and walk for i know that this is the only way to live.


That’s very nice things :om::pray:t3:

In my experience, Kundalini yoga channels and transmutes Virya into Ojas well, that’s what it is used for at the beginning.

So it’s not normal that you have his beginner’s sexual worries.


I mean you could try using YouTube like only on Saturdays. Using YouTube on only Saturdays will also make watching YouTube more satisfying, and will remove brain fog and other types of negative side effects from the rest of your week. It’s also easy to do, because it is impossible to quit social media because your brain thinks that you are missing out on something, but if you limit usage only to Saturday, then you won’t feel like you are missing out on anything.

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