๐——๐—ผ๐—ป๐—–๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ผ ๐——๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜† [23m]

August has Started and Itโ€™s Day 27 of my Streak.
Currently reading 3 Books Simuntenously 1. The Seeker of Nothing 2. How to talk to anyone 3. One Page marketing Strategy. FICTION , PERSONAL GROWTH AND BUSINESS.

I still remember how last time my brain has Tricked me For replase. But this time Iโ€™m on the journey of 90 days.


Day 30/90
Started My disciplined routine once again after the break of one week because I feel sick. And also 1/3 of the Challenge had completed and didnโ€™t get any urge. Will dedicate this month for self growth and skill set improvement.


Congo man :clap: !

:fire: all the best brother!

1 Like

Thank you so much bro :raised_hands:t2:

Day 32/90
Proud to my self because till now I didnโ€™t Peek to any Single Pixel of Nudity. Itโ€™s just one life letโ€™s give meaning to it.


Day 33/90 Completed
I started maintaining physical journal. Yesterday was damn boring most of time spend in travelling and then get tired but i manage myself to do some work. I sat no my desk and started working instead of lying on bed and thinking that lets relax on sunday.


Day 34/90 Completed
Prayer :white_check_mark:
Journal :white_check_mark:
New Learning :white_check_mark:
Workout :x:
Read Holy Book :white_check_mark:

Today i get urges because i was alone with internet access but i didnโ€™t type or act single thing of Nudity. I want to be Man of my words.


Day 35/90 Completed
Prayer :white_check_mark:
Reading Holy Book :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
Journaling :white_check_mark:
Book Reading :x:
New Learning :x:

Day 36/90 Completed

Prayer :white_check_mark:
Holy Book Reading :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
New Learning :white_check_mark:
Journal :white_check_mark:

Yesterday was pretty Good i went to office as usual and Complete my daily task my only issues is that i canโ€™t able to do concentrated focused work i get distracted by my phone but today i know what i need to do i gonna uninstall app which are not Imp. i had started nofap journey on Feb 2022 its been more than a year.


Day 37/90 Completed
Prayer :white_check_mark:
Holy Book Reading :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
New Learning :x:
Journal :x:

Day 38/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :white_check_mark:
Reading Holy Quran :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
New Learning :white_check_mark:
Journal :white_check_mark:

Damn Good Day Has Passed.

1 Like

Day 39/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :x:
Reading Holy Quran :white_check_mark:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
New Learning :white_check_mark:
Journal :white_check_mark:

I had Just Peek to the Po$n itโ€™s Feels like looser i wanted to Complete 90 days without consuming any Pixel of Nudity But i did. Now i donโ€™t Want to Fall in this trap Again after few days because i should be now ready for Sudden Urges which iโ€™m Gonna Face Due to this Peeking. I think our brain convince us that by discipline the gratification youโ€™ll get will be after 1 or 2 years but my Po$n youโ€™ll get instant Gratification and we all Fall For that. Next Few Days Gonna be Hard For me. Iโ€™m Gonna Start my Defensive Approach by Consuming lots of Nofap Motivation and Po$n addictaion Side Effect which gonna help my self to Convince that you are on a right Path.

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More power to you @DonCarlo . You have come too far to take a U turn now. You motivated me as well bro. Now letโ€™s win this once and for all.

1 Like

Thanks for your Valuable words itโ€™s Really Felt that iโ€™m not alone. Letโ€™s Do this and Live Meaningful Life :dizzy:

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Day 40/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :x:
Reading Holy Quran :x:
Reading :x:
Workout :x:
New Learning :x:
Journal :white_check_mark:

Yesterday Was Worst Day. I didnโ€™t Done anything Productive. i took everything so lightly on Sunday. And also suffer from Guilt of Peeking and urges are still Hunting me but Today i start with Workout and Cold shower and Will Complete other task by end of the day.

Day 41/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :x:
Reading Holy Quran :x:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :white_check_mark:
New Learning :x:
Journal :white_check_mark:

Day 42/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :white_check_mark:
Reading Holy Quran :x:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :x:
New Learning :x:
Journal :x:

Day 43/90 Completed
5 Times Prayer :white_check_mark:
Reading Holy Quran :x:
Reading :white_check_mark:
Workout :x:
New Learning :x:
Journal :x:

From last 4 days I canโ€™t able to perform minimum of my To doโ€™s. Also lacking in productivity. Only Nofap canโ€™t help us to achieve our Goals Routine & Discipline is must need. Inshaallah Iโ€™m taking Next 5 days Very Serious to get back ball rolling and Iโ€™m promise my self inshallah Iโ€™ll get all my :white_check_mark: .

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Here Iโ€™m again I peek to po$n again, so Iโ€™m taking this as a replased and starting again with zero. I plan something but nothing is happening. Just wasting my life looking at pixels. I wanted to keep myself away from Nudity but i failed. I broke my promise with my lord. Itโ€™s really hurts i donโ€™t want any sympathy coz we all are on the same boat. But the thingโ€™s we canโ€™t be in this shit forever. I had started reading Easy peasy.

Learning :point_down:
No matter on which day you are donโ€™t forget the Feeling of Replased

A New Start. Hopefully which Will Never get Ends