[23M] Devas Journey to next 377 days(Until 2021)

Bro, don’t worry so much about this society. They don’t care about people like us anymore. Life is designed that way that everything is preplanned. Despite your unawareness, you’ll only act according to the way life wants you to. So, don’t take too much stress about it , or blame yourselves for everything. Just focus on the work in your hands and leave it. Forget about the society, bro. They don’t want you to succeed, so stop thinking about them.


31.12.2020 work:
Did Handbalancing for 1.30hrs…other than that. Yaa I watched stree movie. Shraddha :heart:
I was feeling very lonely this day like how I spend my new year. None in my real life came home and celebrated with me and not called to wish also. Nothing to feel bad because I know for many it’s the case but I felt loneliness soo much. I wished few. No words to describe how lonely I felt. Its passed as always


Today work:(01.01.2021)
:arrow_right: Did Backbending practice in morning (30mins) , 3 rounds of Kapalapathi,(15mins), 3 rounds of analom vilom(10mins), Handbalancing training (1 hr 30mins)…Day 2 successfully done.
:arrow_right: One hour morning researched about TNPSC study plan and for now found a course in online.
:arrow_right: below average diet only

Somehow day passed without productivity, I start from tomorrow.
I am having challenge tomorrow to study 7hrs with myself and @rohankians in rewire app.


Tomorrow’s work(Hard day): (I planned for 02.01.2020)
:fire: Type class 2 hours ( I need to be sharp 7am there,otherwise they start test without me)
:fire: Study 7 hours
:fire: Breathing exercises(one energizing, one relaxing), Handbalancing, Yoga, meditation (3hours)

Tomorrow is leg day in Handbalancing…so it’s going to harder because I am new to bodyweight leg training. I remember while last time doing this I was like crying😂
Let’s do it. Nothing worth having comes easy.

:fire:12 hours work day​:fire:

Utter fail


Todays work: (02.02.2020)
:arrow_right: did yoga(30mins),breathing (15mins(energizing)+ 15mins(relaxing), meditation 15mins
:arrow_right: Handbalancing 2 hours
:arrow_right: study 25mins than :sob: …I decided to go library from tomorrow

##Failed in challenge with @rohankians##


I decided to change my entire day…Align some priorities and some habits.

From monday No type class in 7am to 9am. I decided to shift it to evening in between 4 to 9pm. I need to check at institute which time it’s free. I really worried that I got one good friend here. We talk daily and had some fun,prank durning and after class . Need to miss him. I asked him also to change time but he said evening and night their home they dont give permission as like that. As missing is a part of life, I have to accept this. I am getting to attached to people pretty quickly. It’s good and also bad. I dont wish to judge me here, but accept.
And ,
Morning 8am to 2pm I decided to study in library daily…except monthly 5 days and festival days, on that time library is leave


And today yoga mat reached home… I ordered kosha pure yoga mat 5days before.
Very nice mat. Excellent grip…I felt it is very good for Handbalancing. Loved it :heart:


Buddy teach me some yoga pose to circulate blood in my head or some meditation to relax during break


Bro, its ok. You are not alone in this. I had similar feelings, so what I have been doing for last few years is that I keep my phone in flight mode on all the occasions and especially on new year and my birthday. Doesn’t mean anyone wishes me, but I feel better by fooling myself into believing that I didn’t allow anyone to talk to me either LOL. Yeah I realize how stupid this is, but it honestly makes me feel less worse. So, you can try that if you want.
And man, I apologise for not being here that day to wish you bro. So, I am doing that now. Happy new year 2021, my friend Deva Niwas. I hope you are able to achieve all the success and happiness that you strive for, in this new year.


Basic level: Downward facing dog
Medium : Sarvangasana, wall support handstand
Hard : Handstand,headstand,tripod headstand


:joy: actually some times one or two people call me in rare rare cases… by switching off I dont wish to stop it actually. I put in silent and slept. So that atleast I see who cares me. Stupid right. That’s me.
Thanks bro. Wish you the same. Happy Happy New year 2021 :fireworks::balloon::tada::confetti_ball:


From yesterday 6 relapses(jan 7,8) I am having pain in my right ball and it is swallon.

Last 3 days(jan6,7,8) no exercises, no studies nothing.

Jan 3,4,5 I did yoga,exercise, and some studies

I messed up my brain I think soo. Pain in testicles, some unusual sensation in brain, yesterday night I slept 10pm …today waked up at 10am. Huge Huge depression is raising. Even at 10am I have zero interest to wake up from bed. I somehow pushed myself and waked up and went to type class

Lots of eye floaters are builded in my eyes. It’s not disturbing my vision in any way but still its annoying

I am regular in type classes 2 hrs daily for now. That’s it

The one thing to clearly say is I messed up my brain,body,life.

But I still have chance to change this all and live wonderful life of mine. I am not alone in this, that makes me feel pretty okay. We all face problems, we all have our own, let’s conquer this. We are soo much soo much bigger than our problems… even though if I am depressed now, it will change ,I can change myself and live very very happy, beautiful, meaningful life

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