(21M) Rewire's Transformation Journey 2023-24 đŸ”„

Hey man, how are you doing?. Its been 15 days right.??..


Ya going good. How you doing??
Let’s not stop :fire::fire:


Same here mate. :fire: :fire: .ya, let’s keep going.


I wanna remind myself of this amazing quote I wanna share it with you all -

If You don’t sacrifice for what you want,

What you want becomes the sacrifice :fire:


U a 12th grade student ?

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All the best for today dude, kill it :fire:

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To stop i create this chanell

And Remember don’t try to escape boredom by going to PMO or watching any video (even productivity video)

Boredom is the time where our creativity is at it’s peak

Earlier many scientific researches used to happen because people were bored and when they ask something (because of creativity space provided by boredom) they try to find it’s answer
See newton he was sitting under an apple tree who the fuck has time now a days to sit under an apple tree and where the fuck is an apple tree found, and he wasn’t thinking about the last time he had sex and how good it was ! He wasn’t using his creativity to create the best imagination porn of the girl u met or saw in any of the video


Above two posts were really good as well.


True bro, because of his boredom we all are suffering :face_holding_back_tears: .

Kidding, you are right brother :100:


Back to the good old days :100:

Starting a new journey and wanna be accountable !


“A Man who cannot command himself will always be a slave” :100:

Stay Strong everyone and Know that this pleasure will last few seconds but the pride and confidence you will have and that purity u will feel u can carry it where ever you go !
Don’t give up, You know it’s not worth it remember last time u regretted it !
Stop man I know it’s hard just get up and go outside walk observe nature and see ur urge disappear !
Remember that first thought is your enemy
It’s like a Cycle -

:arrow_right: Weak passing Thought of pmo in brain
:arrow_right:Paying heed to that thought
:arrow_right: making an Intention to do it
:arrow_right: Commitment
:arrow_right: A little porn won’t hurt feeling
:arrow_right: A little jerking off I won’t ejaculate that’s save my semen
:arrow_right: End up ejaculating
:arrow_right: Lot’s of Regret
:arrow_right: Depression
:arrow_right: Anger and irritation
:arrow_right: Life feels life less

But a Warriors journey doesn’t end here

:arrow_right: Getting back up learning from previous failures :fire:
:arrow_right: Getting out of this addiction once and for all

You need to stop yourself at that first thought of pmo that’s the best way to break the cycle ! Stay Strong everyone !


:arrow_right: Getting back up learning from previous failures :fire:
:arrow_right: Make necessary changes to avoid making the same mistake
:arrow_right: Getting out of this addiction once

O we will! :fire:




A great day nothing much to tell spend time with family eat a great dish made by my mom !
Spend the evening singing song and little bit of studying !

My goal is to
:beginner: Get into a good shape
:beginner: learn guitar
:beginner: Learn to cook amazing food
:beginner: Excel in studying


Oh you’re a guitarist or you just started learning guitar?


Nice goals rewire user :+1:

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I am a beginner bro I haven’t even bought guitar yet
I am looking for a good and affordable guitar for beginners
I have this goal to learn guitar everyday for 1-2 hours before going to college
I feel it will kind of relax me and plus I might enjoy it and make it my hobby Let’s see !


Nice to hear that! @rewire_user all the best buddy :+1:


End of the Month - September
There was nothing much I started to learn coding I started learning C++ but then switched to JAVA coz I didn’t know how to use VS Code and I found IntelliJ IDEA easy to use and my code is working perfectly fine in it !
So, I continued learning java
Now I am thinking that Python is the best but now first I will finish learning java and then I will move on to python
Then comes the admission taking part and that’s the end of the month


Don’t Lie about your progress to your parents or Close one’s

I want to admit something which I realised might be my one of the biggest mistake due to which I was unable to make it to through the exam
I was in Kota when I first lied about my studies to my parents I was able to understand everything and I was doing pretty good in studies but I wasn’t solving problems all that homework we used to get I thought it to be a lot and I never bothered to do it in first place and I just focused on what’t being taught in class and never focused on problem solving and then when the reality struck Mock test was conducted and I wasn’t able to perform well in that and thinking my parents would scold me I became a victim and I started to act like I worked my ass off and still wasn’t able to score because of the hardness of the paper
I blamed the hardness of the paper which was an excuse to get the sympathy of my parents ; My parents didn’t pressurise me to any extent they became so supportive since this was the first time I went outside my hometown to study and then I kept on lying playing with their feeling and not studying hard enough to make any changes not analysing my mistakes or anything just lies lies lies to feel like a victim of this hard curriculum

And I repeated the same mistake again after coming back from kota ; whenever I wasn’t scoring good in mock test I act like a victim I have spent approximately 3-4 years in preparation of this exam I went to kota very early in 2019 and here it’s end of 2022 and I didn’t scored good enough even after 2 attempts
I was able to score decent due to my friend Samaranjay’s advice to give mock test more frequently
He has advised me the same even before but I didn’t paid it much attention but I did in the end phase of my preparation I started giving easy mock test I didn’t care about score which would make me depressing and that got me out of the fear and I thank @The_integrous_one for it ! Thank u Man

But what u and I can learn from here is analysing your mistakes is very important ; If you are not scoring well then there is no problem with the system or anything stop acting like a victim because there is someone who is scoring well in that test in your coaching or institution so stop making excuses ! Fucking stop making excuses and come out of the victim mindset don’t think you are weak or don’t make yourself weak through your words even your lies can impact you subconsciously !

I still wish if I didn’t lied the first time to my parents when I was in Kota and behaved like a victim then I might have looked into my weakness and worked on it ! I sometimes think very weirdly if my parents would have been strict I wouldn’t have gotten into this victim mindset and might have studied there but this is just another lie those who have strict parents they wish for the opposite, But I regret a lot playing with my parents money and wasting it in so many coaching and everything

I really wanted to tell someone about this I am feeling so bad about wasting time and wasting a heavy amount in my studies Indian parents can spend any amount if that comes to studies of their children and It’s our responsibility to not make them fool because eventually we are making fool of ourselves !