(21M) Rewire's Transformation Journey 2023-24 đŸ”„

 I joined on Jun 1 or smth


June 21, just click on your profile :sweat_smile:.
But ok.


Yahh broo how can I forget you, I l took a break in August I think


Anybody facing urge just know that you are not alone you might think that coz you are lying on your bed with your thoughts thinking about porn and stuff but brother just do 10 pushup right there and right now just do 10 pushups I challenge uh ! And take deep breath and realize why are you creating this much hype about some parts of human being it’s just a natural thing why is my mind hyping it so much that it’s the only way to achieve pleasure and happiness in life. And We all know just after milliseconds of ejaculation the regret oh damn fuck that regret Oh Man, Can’t define it in words coz It was me who decided that this is the last time I am doing this let’s make this last masturbation session amazing Let’s open porn Let’s setup everything and then enjoy these moments
Fuck You dude okay now that you have masturbated and ejaculated where is that happiness now where is it tell me hnn ?? Why are you feeling any regret it’s the best thing you could do to make yourself happy na so why aren’t you happy now ?? Tell me ! Because it was a fucking lie
your mind lies to you for that small dopamine hit and You motherfucker you get trapped in it ! So, Now remember all the regret that you felt and don’t repeat the same mistake say not this time ! Wake up from bed if urge is hitting ! Do 10 pushups and keep doing pushups until your mind focus on breathing rather than porn bhenchod dimaag ka khraab hogaya hai padh ni paa rha na soo paa rha dimaag wahi jaa rha ! Harunga to ni bc bhut hua ye nanga naach itna ladke aage aaya hu gand marae porn bhad me jaae sb !
Mujhe sbse best banna hai ! I want to become the best no matter what ! Right now if I masturbate then all my progress and everything will be lost ! So Stop Stop it I said Stoooooopppppp ! It’s not worth it ! It’s just natural don’t hype it up in your mind that you need it ! Don’t think about it now ! Just keep doing pushups even on bed until you fall asleep !


This is just me talking to myself to eliminate the strongest urge I am facing right now ! I was about to peak as well ! But I am not gonna lose ! Please ignore the message ! Let’s Fight Together ! We are in Control! It’s my dick and I will control my thoughts and action ! Not this fucking urge ! I am in control I promise to keep doing pushups even if it is on bed I will keep doing untl I fall asleep I won’t entertain the first thought even ! Wahi se to barbaadi shuru hoti hai ! No first thought ! Keep fighting :fire::fire::100:


Man :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
So good to see your motivation level :100:. Keep going, you’ve been doing great.


I can relate to this bruhhh

Dont give up

Be strong.
This is great motivation.:muscle:t2::muscle:t2:.
With this mindset we can achieve anything.

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I lost brother I am feeling so much regret last night I won ! That urge was so strong but I defeated it but today I saw a triggering post on social media and remembered all those flashbacks and lost ! Fuccckkkk Maaaannn ! 2022 was going to be clean year and now my exams are also near but I won’t fall in chaser effect will keep updating 30 day progress here ! Anyone who want to be accountability partner let’s do this let’s take 1 step at a time 30 days :fire:
I won’t fall for chaser now ! Man I lost I am feeling very bad ! Why did that pic come on my google feed ! Shit Man !
No time to waste let’s Get back up and Keep moving Forward :100: keep Moving Forward I am better than before I won’t fall this time !


Social media
is th most triggering of all .
Avoid it or just delete social media for some time.

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Hey, anyone up for a challenge for 90 days
!! ?


Let’s do this

I relapsed few moments ago. So this streak also starts from now


Okay. Let’s go. :fire: :fire: All the best. :+1: :+1:


6days later :sweat_smile:.
Anyway let’s start . And till when?


Sorry bro. I am not regular now.

But, I will check for sure. Kindly share your code. I will sending you a request.

Mine is daaf29

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Till September 24??.

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(post deleted by author)

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I don’t usee app so i will update you about my progress here.


Currently our challenge streak is 12 days right.??..

:fist_right: , :fist_left:

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Ayoo, bro how’s it going?

No, i think it’s 10 days actually. Well i may have relapsed but i don’t think i had