It’s wonderful to see that you are making good use of the app! But yeah, 645 calories a day is really bad. That’s like one meal for me honestly!
But yeah you should eat a lot more. You can use healthify me to help you gain muscle. Go to you profile and change settings to gain muscle. Update your details like height weight age and daily activity. Once you do that the app will suggest how much you should eat per day to gain muscle. Just hit that calory target everyday and you will slowly gain muscle!
And also you have understood the concept of working out all wrong. Working out is not just for losing weight, it’s for gaining muscle primarily. I’ll tell you how it works:
Say you worked out your chest today, and you did like 20 pushups or something and your chest muscles are sore as fuck. That means you have torn enough chest muscles. Now how muscle building works is that once you tear a muscle fiber, your body repairs it with extra muscle to make it bigger to prevent it from tearing. Then the next time you work out, you tear it again and your body repairs it even bigger. That’s how muscle building works!
Now in order to build muscle, you need to eat protein. Typically one need to eat his bodyweight worth of protein to maintain muscle. Lemme explain.
Take me for example, I weigh 75 kg, so inorder to maintain muscle mass, I need to eat 75 grams of protein a day. And to build muscle, I need to eat 1.5 - 2 times my bodyweight. That’s 120- 150 grams of protein a day. Now don’t stress over how much protein you eat just yet.
Now the body will only begin the body building process if it finds you in a caloric surplus. That is if you eat more calories than you burn, that’s a signal to your brain that ok it’s enough to build muscle so let’s do it. Similarly if you are in caloric deficit, that is if you burn more than you eat your body signals your brain to lose weight.
Now the last aspect you need to consider is rest. You need to rest the muscle group you worked out for atleast 24 hours to repair and build muscle.
Now ideally, here is how it should work for you, this is just an example.
Step 1: you work out your bisceps. You tear the muscle fibres in the process.
Step 2: your total calory expenditure is 2000 and you eat 2300 calories that day.
Step 3: since there is a caloric surplus, your brain signals the body to repair and build the torn muscles bigger and stronger than before. So it uses all the protein consumed that day to build muscle.
Step 4: you rest for a day or two without working out your bisceps, giving the muscles enough time to repair. And after 2 days you work out your bisceps again and the process happens all over again.
I hope you understand whatever I’ve said so far, in simple words, your calory intake per day is too low, you need to work out and eat much more calories than you burn, which will result in building muscle. Now if you want workout routines, I’ve already posted in another forum but I can share it here as well if you want.
And finally about muscle pain, after working out. Its very normal to have muscle pain and soreness after working out. It simply means that your muscles are torn and is being repaired. My body is sore all the time. You just have to keep going until you get used to it. Now if you read my diaries you would know that I met with a bike accident yesterday and Ive hurt my left knee. So I can’t workout my legs, or do cardio or play or do anything that involves legs. Hell I can’t even walk properly. I was in no mood to workout because of the Pain but then I saw a video by one of my favourite YouTubers, David Hammond. He is the one who inspired me to do nofap. What he said in the video inspired me to workout out even though it hurts. He said and I quote " THE MOST ALPHA THING A MAN CAN DO IS TO PURSUE HIS GOALS WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN" I’ll leave you with the quote, if you have any questions, feel free to ask