Beast Will Make The Dreams Come True


13 June.
Last 2-3 days I was a thinking about life and making more plans. Today I shaved my head, moustache and beard. I look like a new born now.
Yes, this is the new beginning. New beginning to epic, unstoppable, powerful life.
Semen retention and sexual transmutation is the most important goal from today onwards.
In this 90 days, what i’ve learnt about semen retention and nightfall is that, we have to spent our energy. Discipline is very important for semen retention.
Work out + Discipline + hardwork (on our purpose) can take us a long way in doing it. Also we shouldn’t sit and single minute or hour idly. We all know an idle mind is devils workshop.
What i’ve learnt is, an hour wasted is a drop (or even a little) of semen wasted.
As @_TIGER Meditation is also very important in doing this.
:white_check_mark: Wake up (5 am)
:white_check_mark: Pranayam ( 5 minutes + kapalbanti)
:white_check_mark: Meditation (30 minutes, @_TIGER semen retention is the most important goal. We are together man)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Reading ( No More Mr Nice Guy!)
:white_check_mark: Running (15 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Workout (back + shoulder)
:white_check_mark: Pray (30 Minutes)
:white_check_mark: Gratitude exercise
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: No Junk Food
:white_check_mark: Work 9 hours
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow.

Waking up early in the morning will do half the work!
Early bird get the worm. So true!
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We all have Two Lives…

The Second one begins, when we realize…
We only have One


Great job brother :clap::clap:


Proud of you man. You have earned it. You inspire me and everyone else.


Good job bro! I will also reach there soon! :smile:


Good brother :smile:, reached at 90.i am fighting here at 55 . Burn like fire :fire::fire::fire:


Great job brother, I feel so happy for you! :grin: And this is the truth: nobody can make it alone, but together we’re unstoppable! :muscle:
Go through the pain, the discomfort, you will reach all your goals. Respect.


I am really very happy for you brother… you made it… now it’s time to prove myself… I can also do this.

Any one who wants to prove himself in life or to anyone… Just prove yourself in NoFap and soon you will find everything else has done automatically… If you do it like @Tagore

your diary is a boon for a newbie here… anyone can see clear difference from your day 0 to day 90…

You also proved that it can be done in once… you did not fall even once…that is the thing what I love most in you

All the best brother



Congratulations brother @Tagore :tada::tada::confetti_ball: for completing 90days, it’s just awesome, you have completed 3freaking months without this habit, keep going strong, I know you will :muscle::muscle: already completed 10% of your goal and there are 6more months to crush this year :muscle:… It is just a glimpse of your true potential, all this suffering will give a great result in long term… Kudos brother :fire::fire::confetti_ball:


These words mean a lot guys. I feel very motivated and want to destroy my goals everyday to reach 1000 days.
Yes Brother @neo_150, as our streak increases our life will get straightened out. With such large amount of energy we must do something.


Today was a great day eventhough I woke up 1 hour late. I achieved almost 99% of my plans. Success is daily improvements made consistently.
Semen retention day 2. No girls. Not even looking at their face with lustful thoughts. Only goals, purpose, hardwork and passion.
Living life on fire is the goal. On 90th the positivity I have is exceptional. I don’t know where would I be on 1000th.
My character is still getting fixed. After this COVID-19 ends I’ll go out being an entirely different man.
:x: Wake up (6 am)
:white_check_mark: Pranayam (5 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Meditation (30 minutes, Iam on this @_TIGER, thanks for sharing your secret of semen retention)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Reading (No More Mr Nice Guy!)
:white_check_mark: Running (15 Minutes)
:white_check_mark: Workout (arms + chest, giving 100% on workout. Semen is extremely precious)
:white_check_mark: Pray (5 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Gratitude exercise
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Work 9 hours (almost reached 10. But focus should be increased. Quality is important than quantity)
:white_check_mark:No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow

Tomorrow, I’ll give 1% more. Everyday pushing limits is the main goal.


I’ve been reading the book ‘God of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy. I couldn’t keep myself from crying. Every page I turn tears are falling on them.
Great work!!! Great! Great! One of the greatest I’ve ever read!

After reading it, I walked around my house crying and pleading to God. Please, please help me create a work like that.
I’ll die happily. I don’t need anything else. Nothing!
A novel like that! My life is complete God. Please help.
Some scenes in that novel. The words. The way she writes it. Oh my God, creativity at its peak. Legendary work!

:x: Wake up (5 30am)
:white_check_mark: Pranayam (5 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Meditation (35 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Soorya Namskar (10)
:white_check_mark: Workout (Abs)
:white_check_mark: Shavasan (10 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Reading (No More Mr Nice Guy!)
:white_check_mark: Gratitude exercise
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:x: Work 9 hours (7 hours. Iam happy with today’s work. I worked with extreme focus. Iam doing Meditation after every one hour work session.
@_TIGER Brother today’s WAR YOU’VE WON! Tomorrow there is no compromise. Lets see man.)
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow

Now I understand success comes from Consistency. I knew this as theory before but now I know it from experience. If I keep going with this daily routine everyday, without fail (not even failing a single day). I’ll reach the peak. I wasn’t Consistent with my routine. One day I would be on beastmode next day I would fall. This won’t create peak performance or life. Success comes from Consistent improvement. Without failing to do it even for a single day.


Omggg I studied 6 hrs brother. You won. But brother we will do more work tommorrow. We can do 10 hrs. So ready for tommorrow. :fire::fire::fire:. No excuse.
Tommorrow we will do 10 hrs


Sure 100% no excuses.
Beastmode!!! 10 hours. I’ll give up everything tomorrow. Only work and work and work.
We can do this Brother. Just with a difference of 1 hour I won today. Tomorrow let’s see. Who’ll prove the power of absolute dedication.

Btw, you are great man. I love you. I love being your companion. Keep going. You are a beast :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Sorry for the late wishes.

Congratulations on you 90 days brother. I wish you get all the success you wished for in your life. :heart:

Stay strong and keep motivating like you always do. :muscle:


I forgot to congratulate you on 90 days free from pmo @Tagore . You deserve it man, you worked your ass off to achieve this goal. You’re an inspiration to many people on this forum and a role model for me. You’re the person who gave me a reason to keep fighting. Keep up the hard work brother!


If I’m right your a writer, but I want to know is that a hobby or a profession :thinking:

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And if you love reading so much I recommend naguib mahfouz, he has many good books and his book the palace of desire was awarded a Nobel prize for literature.


Today worked out real hard and fucked up some of my bones in chest. I hear sounds when I turn my head and hands. Shit!
Tomorrow I’ll do only legs and will rest for 2 days. I’ll sleep and wait for natural healing.
Today, had a mild urge and controlled it by going through my bookmarked posts in this forum. This is a great thing to do brothers. There will be great, very motivating posts in the messages section sometimes. Bookmark for the hard times. When urges hit, reading it will help.
Had to fight the urge for half an hour and I also took a nap in the afternoon.
Today onwards I’ll give a badge to myself when I push my limits in any tasks.
:white_check_mark: Wake up (5 am)
:white_check_mark: Pranayam (5 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Meditation (35 Minutes) :medal_sports:
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Soorya Namskar (10)
:white_check_mark: Workout (shoulder + triceps + back ) :medal_sports:
:white_check_mark: Shavasan (10 minutes)
:white_check_mark: Reading (No More Mr Nice Guy! + Deep work)
:white_check_mark: Gratitude exercise
:x: Mindful eating (Iam slipping into my old eating pattern )
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:x: Work 9 hours (7 1/2. @_TIGER man today you won. Iam not saying anything about tomorrow. I’ll speak through action!)
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11.

Iam not totally satisfied with today.
Tomorrow I’ll wake up at 4 and will work like a beast!
Meditated, laser focus on one single thing will make us a legend. People will stand up when we get into the room. The world take their hats off. There is no death for a great man.
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