[19M] Thor's journey from Asgard to Valhalla đŸ”„

@Awaken_one @Covertxomic1 @valiantwarriorsoldier @Prayer_Warrior @rajameghanan
This was the first day of my diary. Thanks brothers for showing love and intrest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. A lot has to come further
stay connected. And don’t hesitate to speak out suggestions or random thoughts. U r a part of THOR’s journey :grin:.


Congratulations God of thunder. Keep thundering.

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Today I woke up at 5 AM :sunrise::sunflower:

a funny incident happened with me today​:sweat_smile:. After brushing my teeth , when I went for cleaning my :toothbrush: with water , I was so lost in thoughts of completing NND :fire:. Then my subconscious mind took control and I pinched toothpaste on my :toothbrush: again :joy:. I had no other option than brushing once again :sob:.

I wonder what could possibly go wrong in such high days :thinking:. I want to hear ur experience , especially of the person who lost recently :eyes::joy: @valiantwarriorsoldier

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Why you must troll me bruh😑

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In those days I felt like it’s been too long since last relapse but it wasn’t the main reason but social media was,this time gotta stay extra vigilant about that thing. And mind tries to get that chemical surge and instant gratification but if you cross this stage then it will become easier to tackle this the period when the neuron are starting going back to normal state basically the process of neuroplasticity begins

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Haha :joy: sorry. Btw how was ur exam :thinking:

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I think the mindset to tackle that surge of instant pleasure is making decisions from the first day that I won’t seek instant pleasure no matter what. Even if the day suck_d and mood got fuck_d. I will accept all the feelings and sleep.

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Smooth like butter :sneezing_face:

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Bucky - like a criminal undercover :sunglasses:


8 Days :white_check_mark:
Guys tbh I studied just 3 hrs today :sob: I had some other works. But I could have studied more. I promise to reach atleast 10 hrs tomorrow :blush:


DATE AND TIME : 7 Dec./9 pm

Current streak : 8 days 4 hrs
Badge : commoner

Hours studied : 3
Revised something : yes
Min. 50 pyqs : :x:
Days left in exam : 45

Wake up at 4 AM : :x: (5 AM)
Drink min. 4 L water : :white_check_mark:
Do something spiritual : :white_check_mark:
Yesterday night Slept at 10 PM : :white_check_mark:

My today’s mood : overwhelmed with joy of nofap :joy:
My next target : 10 days streak
ANYTHING I wanna say : I will fill this form everyday :grinning:

Screenshot : i uploaded above


@Prayer_Warrior @Covertxomic1 @Awaken_one @rajameghanan @valiantwarriorsoldier
Guys did u liked this form :thinking:. I will fill it everyday for the sake of my consistency :grinning:


Looks cool, and covers everything. Good luck for exam :100::muscle:t2:


Thanks mate. I will definitely succeed with the support of u guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


Do in whatever format you like Thor. It is your reflections. You keep it as you like.


@Thor487 you do whatever you think is best. To me it looks fine just the way it is. It’s your unique check list not mine.


Okay brothers I got it :grin:. Btw good morning :sun_with_face::sunrise_over_mountains:. Today , Sunday effect took over me :sob: and I woke up very late. Also 4 AM in winter season feels really early. I’m shifting sleep schedule to 11 pm - 5 am. There is no way I will fail this time table.

My weekly Targets (8 dec - 14 dec) :-

  1. maths :- vectors and 3D geometry’s theory + pyqs
  2. IOC :- periodic table , bonding and P-block’s short notes + pyqs
  3. OC :- hydrocarbon , halo (alkane + arene) and alcohol phenol and ether’s theory+ pyqs
    4)Physics :- ray optics , electrostatic and current electricity’s short notes + pyqs
  4. PC :- mole concept , solutions and chemical equilibrium 's short notes + pyqs

I will definitely complete these :triumph:. And today’s goal is min. 10 hrs study.


DATE AND TIME : 8 Dec. 5:50 pm

Current streak : 9 days :white_check_mark:
Badge : commoner

Hours studied : 0 :pensive:
Revised something : :x:
Min. 50 pyqs : :x:
Days left in exam : 44

Wake up at 4 AM : :x:
Drink min. 4 L water : :white_check_mark:
Do something spiritual : :white_check_mark:
Yesterday night Slept at 10 PM : :white_check_mark:

My today’s mood : tensed and frustrated :confused:
My next target : 10 days
ANYTHING I wanna say : I wasted whole day. I don’t know why I avoid studies this much. I’m good at it , I like it when I do it but I never like to start doing it. I know it’s crazy. U know I try to be perfectionist when it come to studies. I see it as a pure/holistic thing. I can’t start it until I feel pure and satisfied from inside. Even a 2 min. Disturbance can ruin my whole day. I don’t know how I will succeed in exam if I stay like this :confused:.
Pls help @Covertxomic1 @Awaken_one @Prayer_Warrior @valiantwarriorsoldier @rajameghanan @debellator @anystudyspecialist😭

Screenshot :


The best person I know that will help you the most is @Binocular. He recently had exams himself and he might give you some suggestions.


try this method

  1. Study for 1 hr
  2. Break for 30 mins
  3. Study for 2 hrs
  4. break for 30 mins
    i used to do this and it actually helps