[18 M] Alphadude's Diary

Nice man
This time I am just telling myself I am a grown up, what I have done in the past doesn’t define me and I don’t need it anymore, most of all I am a good human being.

And also I have this new found respect for women somehow

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hey mate again i am beeing the one to put a finger in a wound xD -.-°
but you may profit:

maybe you care for some advice on "enjoying temporary worldy desires"

if you put it this way it sound sas if you still consider PMO enjoyable…
which it not really is…
and hence my question what do you consider enjoyable with PMO???

most of the “benefits” of PMO are only that it reliefs one of the withdrawl pains.
and well there is novelty but from my current perspective it is not really enjoyable it like sugar… my brain is built to “seek it” but actually not even flies touch that refined stuff… and they eat shit…

that is an extreme sample -.-^ but what iam trying to get that is that PMO only provides -at best- second rate benefits if one considers the benefits one reaps from doing actually enjoyable things…

looking forward to your reply!



No, of course not, PMO is just dopamine flooding. Works like a drug, so not enjoyable. I agree with that.

Oh, I think you misinterpret as this being PMO.
What I mean by this is ‘them’ having… that. Got it?

It’s temporary (those performing might not be enjoying it) and we tend to get envious of them thinking they’re having a ‘great’ time. It’s just part of the confidence trick that the industry is playing on us.

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Ah ty for elaborating!

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Day 7 completed✅


Went to my favourite South Indian restaurant after almost 2 years. The masala dosa and sambar there was amazing as usual.

I’ve started to go out for walks regularly after lunch. Had few PMO related dreams but no ejaculation while sleeping. Experienced a lot of headache yesterday but now it’s fine.

Urges are not really high, as I’ve been interacting with people in this forum, my online classes as well as with my family.

All I’ve to do now is to now is boost my focus on studies by reducing my screentime. I’ve been very motivated to get some gold badges on this forum, because life is short😄 but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon, so my priorities should be on my neet prep alone.

Out of likes right now but I will surely stalk people and like their posts very soon😂


Sorry I u are offended by any means, hope you don’t take it seriously


Day 14 completed✅


Damn, urges hit like a truck today, but I think I’m fine now. Without proper routine and self-discipline, NoFap Hardmode is close to impossible. I’ve been working out and going outside for walks to reduce urges. Staying around people helps a lot too.

NF is just 1 tool in my arsenal, I’ll try to go digital detox tomorrow and continue following my 10 hr study timetable for cracking neet. I’ve also stopped eating junk food despite having bunch of Doritos Sweet Chili Peppers in the kitchen.

Below are the benefits I’ve obtained till now:-

  • Became more religious.
  • No discomfort while looking at known or random people in the eye.
  • Happiness and general satisfaction with life.
  • Increased sensitivity to average women.
  • Acne decreased a bit, got a glowy skin.

Withdrawals I’ve experienced till now:-

  • Around day 10, some kind of unbearable depression of unknown origin.
  • Disturbing wet dream where I was actually PMOing (felt like a relapse)
  • Urges obviously.

That’s it for today. Hopefully will make milestones at the end of this year.


Bruh here I am at day 15 or 16 :rofl:, we stay pretty close streak wise :joy:


Ye bro, following ur footsteps👍, we’ll make it out alive🔥


We will :muscle::fire:


it is good read ty for sharing!


Day 30 completed✅


Lessgoo :fire::fire: finally made it bois!!! , for a week now I don’t think I’m having urges that strong, but I’ll stay alert and won’t slip up.

I’m gonna quote my fav line from my workout app,
Energy and Persistence conquer all things!!!

It so true and it helped me a lot. I’m thinking to start checking in with my daily goals in my diary to make every day count and track my progress.


Yeah it helps…

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Bro that’s really important. When you have a high streak flatlines are common. I had a terrible flatline 2 days ago. I believe willpower fails during during flatline. Its discipline that keeps us going during those tough days. I suggest u start checking in with daily goals as early as possible.

And being disciplined is one of the main traits of an alpha. Also that’s what your name stands for :sunglasses:


ya sure bro, but I always feel some kind of anxiety while posting daily, so I restricted it to some minor goals.
But I think now by posting daily I can get all my self care activities back on track, as I’ve neglecting everything except workout and studies.

:joy::joy::joy: Bruh, I got to know about NoFap from some alpha male personality article only


16 Dec 2021

  • :white_check_mark: Chemical kinetics note making
  • :white_check_mark: Photosynthesis note making
  • :white_check_mark: SBC 25 ques
  • 2D motion 25 ques
  • :white_check_mark: Cardio workout
  • :white_check_mark: Meditation
  • :white_check_mark: Outside walk
  • :white_check_mark: No TV or youtube
  • :white_check_mark: No social media (except RCF and AakashDigital)

While going for a walk today afternoon, 2 strangers greeted me which was totally unexpected :sweat_smile: , I got a really good haircut + clean beard that amplifies my jawline as well.
I calculated my BMI, with height 176 cm and weight 68 Kg and was on a healthy level. Tomorrow I’ll try to maximize time solving questions in all subjects.


Yours 11 th syllabus completed? If not you can watch some one shot on YouTube. It is time saving and beneficial.


Ya, my coaching has completed 11th, but I have my 1st all India AIATS coming up on 26 Dec, and its based on all previously done syllabus, so I have to practice and revise past portions too

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Looking for JEE :thinking: ?

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No bro, im preparing for neet 2022 :pill::pill:
1 of my friends had started NoFap from 10th grade, now he got like 400 AIR in JEE advanced, and got into IIT BHU :exploding_head::exploding_head: