Your highest streak?

Lot of us have suffered coz of PMO brother. We are all fighting in this together. I hope u are fighting and winning.

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Yeah Bro I Am fighting and Rewire Companions helping me with this fight… May Lord Help All of Us to conquered this battle


It doesn’t really matter what the streak was. What matters was did they recover, did they keep going? Streaks are demotivating because when you relapse all you can see is the 0. If you look at the grand timeline that relapse seems like a small mistake. I don’t like streaks. I think they’re cool to look at after a while because then it’ll be cool to see that you’ve made it xyz amount of days without PMOing, but some people are so obsessed with streaks. They base their entire journey and progress on that number, which is stupid. Focus on you, and becoming who you want to be. That streak number means nothing. Recovery is a long process, and is not just a number of days that you’ve gone without doing something. There’s a difference between abstinence and recovery. Understand that difference and you actually start to recover. There’s a post here that says that a lot better than I just did but that’s the summarized version of it. Thought someone might need to read that.


Do u remember the topic of that post? I will give it a read sometime

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Yeah give me a minute to find the link

Here you go! It’s a bit long but totally worth the read.


Thanks bro, I will definitely read it when I have some strong urges.

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Nah man you should read it now!

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Trust me on this one. It’ll open your eyes to some things.

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Man, it’s literally 2 at night in my country.

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Oh no :rofl: Get some sleep and read it when you have free time. You should be sleeping my dude.

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Man, for some reason I am not able to :skull:


Put the phone away. Drink some warm water. And when you get back into bed tighten all of your muscles and then relax. That’s about all I can say. I don’t sleep much when I have my phone but when I put it away usually I can sleep.

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My highest streak is less than a week. I see that those who struggle with 2 days can’t even give a vote. None of the answers apply to me.

How sad there isn’t an option for those less than a week.

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@redFalcon I too started this struggle in 2020. I have the same time frame

Luckily I learned a lot but none of my learning or advice given to me has worked. I tried coming up with ideas for myself, read Easy Peasy (which made the struggle harder), and yet Im still trying and fighting.


My current streak is my highest streak. 125 days.


In my whole 15 years of pmo’ing i have only reached 54 days, without masturbation or p0rn


I didn’t knew there will be people on this app who never went past a week. Since I asked about ‘highest streak’ I thought no one would be below a week. But damn, you opened my eyes to a new POV. I hope u reach where u want to be, and fight through your struggles!


There’s a reason ur pic is of Itachi :moyai:

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15 years? How old r u now?
My highest is 94 days coming way back in 2021