You MUST Change Your Mindset

One thing that is all too common amongst you guys is treating the journey like it’s some epic battle that is going to require great strengths to overcome. That very mindset is likely what is leading to countless relapses. You need to realize that this is all a mental game, you truly have full control over how you act. If you tell your mind its gonna be extremely hard to beat your addiction, your mind will make it extremely hard. With this being said, I highly recommend you treat it like it’s a “piece of cake” to stop. You should almost be egotistical in that you are better than that version of yourself that just mindlessly wanks. When faced with urges, remind yourself that you are in control of your mind, not the other way around.


I kind of agree but the thing is humans are way too attached to what “they were” instead of believing in “what they can be”. That is the very reason they think “well, I have never crossed X number of days, so probably I don’t have the ability to reach X number of days”. It’s fascinating that once we start believing what we can be and back it up with consistent efforts, we can surprise ourselves with what we can do.

Touchwood and also don’t wanna boast, but past 2 months I have made considerable amount of progress in various facets of life with this mindset.

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Yea I agree. It’s definitely a barrier you have to get past, but it is certainly worth the effort to head towards that mindset.

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100% agree with your post

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