Why did you chosose to stop PMO?

Sometime we choose pain over pleasure so what is your reasons ?
No one deny that staying away from watching ■■■■ is painful for the first days (Withdrawal symptoms) but we chose pain over temporary pleasure (watching ■■■■ )
So what is your Reason ? Why did you choose to quit PMO ?
Start with why :heart:


I have many loaded reasons, but at the moment, I just wanna keep a good, healthy mind and spirit.
Well,… Not just for a moment :joy::muscle:


I also have many loaded reasons, lazyness, weakness, social anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, headaches. But the first reason that I remember why I wanted to leave this, was my faith in God.


My wife my kids and my personal well being. I’m actually in physical pain due to it and have been for years. I’m looking to rid my life of this disease. I recently beat cigarettes that was a over whelmingly strong beast to conquer. I’m in the early stages of no fap and trying to get some traction and start the stop.