Who are 24+ fighhting this addiction?

The more is your age more difficult it becomes because you want a job, want to perform good in a job. Any suggestion for 24+ how to handle this addiction


I am 24 brother, i am also trying to be free from this addiction


You are right @kt2021

It depends on how much wrong content you consumed. Because addiction is pleasurable thing that is very hard to break.

Suppose it you are watching porn videos or continue to masturbation from past 10 or 12 years then it becomes very difficult to break this habit.

So i think - you have to explore a lot from the internet about nofap, semen retention, benefits of nofap, Live in discipline, mediation, exercise etc. Read as much as possible.

I have read a lot of books on nofap, PMO addiction and have read a lot of blogs or articles and now it is very easy for me to continue on longest streaks.

You can start with reading benefits of Nofap that will motivate you to choose this path.

Here is the link below where you can read the 40 benefits of Nofap journey - Read carefully all the benefits and i am also inspired after reading these benefits in my initial journey.

Click here to read it.

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Thanks , yes its hard because the amount and type of porn i watched…

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I am 26 and yes, it is extremely difficult. Feel free to PM me and we can fight this together :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


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