What period of no-fap is the hardest?

For those who have been on a fairly long streak in the past. I’m talking 30 days+, which was the hardest period. 1-5 days, 5-10, 10-15 etc. Or was a particular day the hardest?

Days 1-5 are he hardest for me. Most prone to masturbating because “its only been 3 days and i can reset it back to day 1” and you fall in this cycle for ages. Definetly needed a social event as motivation to abstain.


In my case there wasn’t a hardest day. Each Periode had it’s own difficulties.
I found it hard around
day 7 -> pretty painful urges
day 15 -> missing my pornstarts dearly
day 25 -> really wanted to have the fapping feeling
day 40 -> boredom because of too much time without fapping