What is the purpose of p*orn? Why r U keep using it?

Likly ur using prn to feel good what is likely is that ultimately it is making u feel Bad very bad. What is the purpose of prn…Answer is pleasure theres typically three reasons that people consume pornography.
Number 1. seaming pleasure because dopamine is the neurotransmitter that chases down pleasure unfortunately it never finds it ultimately but it is the pleasure seeking neurochemical. So People consume porn,
Usually It’s because they want to get some pleasure to escape the Chaos or the Pain or Just the normalcy of life.
Number 2. we know that p
orn use is used for Boredom so if u Bore & it becomes a way that ur Brain gets this rush plus You’re not sitting around doing Nothing.
Number 3. The top reason is de- stress, anxiety, science shows that’s the number one reason that people go to porn for seemingly pleasure…so pleasure get rid of
Boredom & to take the edge off of anxiety. So lets investigate this together, & i want you to think about this for U, ur life, what u have going on. So the purpose is using p
orn as the means to get to the end of pleasure & feeling good.
Is It Doing That for YOU?
Because we also know from the neuroscience is that there is a Pleasure Pain paradox that when u end up chasing pleasure down Too much it ultimately creates a lot of Pain. The science shows that porn uses create Anxiety, Depression, Brain fog, Difficulty thinking, Focusing and
Attending Erectile Dysfunction.
We know Relationship are destroyed by P
orn use Breakups r two times likely.
We know that relationship with friends & with children & with colleagues & with employers are also broken and are not being are now folding out as well as they could if porn wasn’t in the mix. Because we also know that ■■■■ creates Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome, where people Don’t know which version they’re going to get of you people don’t know which version they r get of you, are they going to get Angry version that needs a dopamin hit… Or are they going to get Happy version that just got one?
So Let’s segway into thinking about what happens in your brain when u caught up in Complusive P
ornography Consumption Habit…What happens is your brain is on a Cycle. Whether u know it or not, It’s Cycling through the Need for Dopamine.
To offset the Pain of Reality that is being created by porn is it not so irony of the situation, but being pulled back into the Screen to get a dopamine it so that you can Feel better. That is a short lived Hit.
On the other side of that is the B aspect of this side A B Pain Pleasure paradox.
So first comes Pleasure, then comes a lot of Pain for more lot of time. So now you
Try to go into your world and there’s No Dopamine there, which creates the Anger in the Ear ability, which makes it so that your brain wants to go back to the screen again. So the idea is You’re using p
orn to Feel good and to take the edge off Anxiety, but It’s actually making you feel Bad and Creating more Anxiety when You’re not consuming it. So the means does not create the end. So
What can we do to create the End?
What we can do is get on Purpose so that
You’re not in Pain in the Real World and
Needing to Hit the Easy Button (known as Dopamine) to go back The Screen. Now,
When You’re on purpose in your world and you are working on work that Feeds your Soul makes you Feel Good, you Have Relationship that people u actually like hanging out with and spending Time with & Doing Hobbies that you Enjoy. Now you
Can feel good in the world all the time.
There’s no need to Escape into the Screen
Now, it might be challenging to Break that Habit because we know when a Habit it ingraind neurogically it takes time to weed over those Old neutral Plathways
And to Build New ones. But it can be done
By Building the Habit of being on purpose in your Life. So what happens is this way
When you are No longer Watching we
Will not have the doubling down one of Pain in Your real Life that will start to life and subside,things will become clearer,
Your Relationship will get Better because you Won’t be swinging back and forth between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You will able to feel calmer & more focused. Things will life to you.
Sex and ■■■■ are not the same thing. It damages your brain. So the porn use goes it triggers u feel Anxious about you
Just had an argument with your girlfriend or you have Financial Situation that needs to be dealt with. You r not feeling well physically u have injury & u say, I’m just going to watch some ■■■■, It’s going to make me Feel Better. So u go on the screen, you consume some ■■■■, your brain Lights up like It’s on fire with dopamin, this massive dopamine rush in the cycle.Then when You’re comin down around to the bottom of the cycle now you Feel Guilty, you feel filled with Shame
Because its not congruent with the person that you want to be.p
orn use is not congruent with an identity of dignity & integrity. Now u r bottomm of the cycle and wish u Didn’t do that and then your Relationship strained because of it. Its not Achieving the purpose so now your cortisol spikes & you Go Back into the world & It’s Pain, Pain more Pain, doubling down on Pain. But in real sex dopamin gets flowing at lower level but good levels helathy levels, serotonin, Oxytocin is flowing & create happiness in your brain
& It’s coupling you to your partner in a really powerfull way. U are cuddling building that connection & now u go back to the world. But what happens when u go back into the world after sexual relation with ut partner that u care about? Your
World is better & brain is glowing It’s not light-up on Fire like it is after a p*orn Session,but It’s glowing in a beautiful way
That will linger with you & stay with you all day long in a healthy way & now you & YOUR partner are Closer not furtur your indentity. When you sex ur partner it is lots of giving.it is a means to a heathy & when you consume ■■■■ it is not.so the
‌Brain tip for the day is you have to Stop hitting the Easy button if you want to became the person that you want to beacome. People wants to live lives of dignity and integrity.
‌when u decide to use ■■■■ remember its a perception that comes from you when u shift your perception & Remind Yourself of the life thay the life you want to Create and see if ■■■■ use actually fits into that life…you will realize it does not.your perception, your Outlook of how You’re using it & what its for can change & when that changes, your brain became Healthier. You no longer need the Screen. You will either go to your partner & start building a relationship that u deserve & that ur partner deservers. If you continue to go back to the Screen & move through that Cycle & create the pain in your Life. U Won’t be able to attract that partner to you. When YOU Leave the screen behind u will start to glow it will attract the Partner.
‌so get on the purpose in life. Leave the Screen behind if you Need.


Wow awesome post.
I had bookmarked it to read when I got time and totally worth reading :clap:


Read few Paras of this post and I can say the biggest reason is short term pleasure. Those who because of study or any other reason stay inside 4 walls for long duration of time are likely to fap more. The thing they are deprived of coz of less physical activity is compensated by ■■■■ for them(that’s what their brain tricks them into thinking). That’s why it’s preferable to hit the gym, play some sports while we are in no fap and improving ourselves, else it won’t last long.


Circumstances leads to bust because we let the circumstances control our mind it argues with us and eventually wins (if not determined and wise enough to see the trap and prevent from it)

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I feel like i only watch p0rn now because im addicted to being addicted.Its been hardwired in my brain to when i feel stressed,lonely or used up all my dopamine i just end up relapsing.

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We have to win guys


We WILL Win, :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

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