What is it? Why does it happen? How to prevent it?

Even after knowing its not good for me, i still fall for the same trap.
A part of me wants to get out of this addiction and the other part wants to indulge into those activities.
At some point the urge becomes Irresistible no matter what i try, and the other part wins.
My vision gets blurred and i forget why i started this in the first place!
Looks like this addiction is deeply rooted

need advice


You have perfectly recognised the state of addiction.

Many people are not even aware that there are two parts to them, this is why they feel so much guilt and shame for giving in again and again.

There is the real you, the owner and master of your body, mind and spirit. He is the one who is sick and tired of addiction and wants to transform his life. Nofapstar123. He has goals and dreams for his future and ideas on how to make a better life.

Then there is the other guy, a dopamine driven entity within your brain whose sole goal in life is PMO. Yesfapstar123. This guy cares nothing about your goals, dreams, hopes for the future, your loved ones, your health, your finances, your studies or career aspirations. He just wants to watch pornography and masturbate.

This entity in your brain is caused by the brain’s confusion on what’s truly good for you. As far as the brain is concerned, anything that produces high levels of dopamine is great and necessary for your survival. It believes it is saving your life by giving you urges, and it is confused about why you’re trying to stop such a high source of dopamine. It can speak to you in your thoughts and say anything it needs to convince you to relapse. It can change the emotional state of your body, send you flashbacks of past pornographic videos and even make you somewhat ill if necessary. It is deeply rooted because this is a survival mechanism, and a very good one. This mechanism is the reason we are all alive today, but in this situation the brain has got things terribly wrong.

But the reason why the brain has to resort to these tactics is because it cannot make you act against your will. As much as Yesfapstar123 wants to relapse, he needs permission from Nofapstar123. Every single time. You are always in control of your body. He cannot even move your fingers without you giving him control.

This video explains more about the state of addiction and gives you a method to take back your control and end the addiction permanently. Tens of thousands of people have used this method to permanently destroy addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, smoking, binge eating and PMO. You can be one of them.


I think the first step is to acknowledge that 1. This “part of you” is your dopamine-hooked, brainwashed state of mind. It doesn’t have your best interests at heart other than to ride that dopamine slide. It is NOT the true “you”

The next step 2. is to remember you are an entire being that has total control and power over every single action that you do. And as you said, you know that it’s not good for you. REMEMBER THAT FACT. PMO does absolutelty nothing but harm and you know it deep down. But because of our reprogramming, your mind will play tricks on yourself to convince you otherwise. BUT, you have absolute power over what choice you can make. Your temptation is not, and never will be, stronger than your free will.

Why would you ever choose something that is only bad for you? It makes no sense. Any argument otherwise is, once again, stemming from that dopamine-driven brain. Don’t listen to it no matter what kind of silly arguments it might make. “Oh, you’re going through a hard time, so you should reward yourself”. “Oh, it’s been awhile since you did it, since you’re so over it now, surely a peek wouldnt hurt?” All of that bs.

You are stronger than your temptations. Start now.


@Forerunner @yadadada
Thank you for the deep insights! That allowed me to have the vision i needed. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


You have ever heard of this analogy? Horses are your 5 senses, mind is the rope bound to horses. Intelligence is the driver and your own self is the passenger. Together they make this chariot.

1.Horses being senses would want to go anywhere the pleasure lies (eg. if there’s a pretty girl around, your eyes would try to look at her).

2.Mind being the rope goes along with them.

3.But intelligence controls the mind, if it is strong enough. Many times our intelligence isn’t strong enough though, so we have to make it strong.

If the chariot driver is weak, obviously the chariot will go out of control. I don’t think there’s any more perfect analogy than this to describe what is happening with any of us.


Hey man. I am sure you have medical background so you understand better than me.

In a book “start with why” by simon sinek, it introduced me to two parts of human brain, the neocortex and the limbic brain. One is responsible for all the logical decisions and other is responsible for all the animal like decisions like responding to survival threats, reproduction, etc.

So that’s why you feel like there’s two different person inside you but in reality it’s two parts of your brain. With enough practice, you can overpower your neocortex over your limbic brain.


Yep, i saw this in bhagwat geeta by ramanand sagar!

Whichever part we feed, gets stronger :+1:t2:


Imagine what happens if two work together on a goal. That person would be entirely unstoppable.


People have done that. I guess all those outside of entertainment industry who are successful had made these two to work together.


I’d say Goggins did that.


Definitely man.
What’s your sharing code btw? I see you also broke your streak recently. Unfortunately I fell is some kind of loop after that 3 digit streak ended.

Let’s comeback together.


dangerous news, sadly, is that â– â– â– â–  (as well as any other compulsive addictive behavior) actually strengthens the limbic system and weakens the frontal lobes of the brain (the neocortex)

all the more reason to quit


I need some time to recalibrate my mind. Wait a few days.


As long as those days are clean :sweat_smile:


I may had pretty dark few days but the mf inside me is always ready for a challenge/comeback.

It’s ok if it’s your method to get momentum before entering the arena, but imo mindset matters more than the streak.

I access my power through my mindset even if my streak is not big.


I think I have made my decision. This is the cleanest 3 days I have ever felt in any of my previous streaks.


Yeaaaah Maaaan. That’s the way to go! :fire::fire:


Yes I’m trying to gain that itself.
I’m trying too hard right now, I’m already in a fight. Not just streak, I’ve lost my overall discipline too. That’s why.


Don’t be too harsh on yourself and keep increasing the productivity a little daily. Things will be alright


The most difference of animals we humans have is the frontal lobe, a lot of mammals have good neocortex, but the regions of the prefrontal cortex is where the human shines. In there we can decide (liberum arbitrium), get social, humor, make jokes, plan and reasoning but the most incredible part is the inhibition zone, that zone is the “NO”, the order to not do what animals do. I can bet the name of God is “NO” because thanks to that we can be happy without pleasures and temptations, when we fall in drugs or in pmo that zone is supressed by the limbic complex trying to stop the inhibition zone. Those areas are critical for us. Those are the 9,10,11 and 12 brodmann areas of brain. God lives in there.