What helped me achieve 100+ days streak

No Fap Tips


100+ days streak reached, shout out to all the content creators that helped me get this far.
Living Free and Clean - Forerunner
Beyond The Alchemy
Crowd of Boyz
Semen Retention Club

I find listening to semen retention podcasts helps when I have an urge, it’s as if I’m not alone in my battle, that I have company of a guru/friend on the same path and who can offer me advice when I really need it.
Please let me know of any other podcasts on similar topics.

Original Post
I’ve been wanting to write a post on here for a while. I’m going to outsource some of that to Chat GPT. I want this post to be useful and practical for you. I have reached 50 days for the second time since I began my nofap journey last year. If you find this information useful, please do me a favour and bookmark this post, or bookmark some of the links in this post, that way this shared information is more likely to make an impact in your lives.
Last point, all of this information is limited to the degree to which you suffered in your childhood, for some people, addressing deeply repressed childhood traumas is critical before meaningful change can occur for that individual, however regardless of that, everyone will benefit from bombarding their subconscious mind with no fap affirmations and mindsets.

Reprogram your subconscious mind, that’s where the battle is, however stress is a likely trigger for any relapse, hence why I recommend Nucalm (special) binaural beats or hypnosis tracks for general relaxation.

A few times I’ve told myself, “I’ll reconsider these overwhelming urges after a Nucalm + hypnosis (played together) session. After the hypnosis session (regardless of Nucalm) the urges are much calmer.

This is a good video on reprogramming the subconscious mind
3-Minute Mental Hack to Take Control of Your Subconscious

Chat GPT
The video transcript outlines a psychological framework and set of strategies aimed at enhancing motivation and task engagement through a process it describes as “the chain of motivation.” This approach is grounded in the understanding of human nature and the primal, fundamental emotions that drive behavior. It leverages the intrinsic human desire for happiness and the aversion to failure, suggesting that the unconscious mind plays a crucial role in guiding our actions toward what it perceives as contributing to our survival and emotional well-being.

Analysis of Unconscious vs. Conscious Mind Information Processing:
The transcript doesn’t provide specific percentages or empirical data comparing the unconscious and conscious mind’s information processing capabilities. However, it implies that the unconscious mind significantly influences behavior by driving us towards tasks and goals aligned with fundamental human needs and emotions, such as happiness, love, and survival. This is consistent with psychological theories suggesting that the unconscious mind processes a vast amount of information outside of our conscious awareness, guiding behaviors based on primal motivations.

Willpower, Sleep Quality, and Blood Sugar Levels:
While the transcript does not directly address sleep quality and blood sugar levels, the principles it outlines can be indirectly related to these factors. Both sleep and stable blood sugar levels are essential for optimal brain function and emotional regulation, which are critical for maintaining the focus and emotional stability needed to engage with tasks meaningfully and align them with primal emotions, as suggested in the video.

Subconscious Mind’s Influence on Willpower:
The video strongly supports the idea that the subconscious mind exerts a powerful influence over our actions, often overriding willpower when it comes to long-term motivation and behavior change. It suggests that aligning tasks with primal emotions recognized by the unconscious mind is crucial for sustained motivation and overcoming the limitations of conscious willpower.

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind:
The transcript offers practical strategies for reprogramming the subconscious mind, such as visualizing success and associating tasks directly with primal emotions (key motivators). This approach is akin to Pavlovian conditioning, where consistent association between a task and positive or negative emotions can alter subconscious motivations and behaviors. The strategy aims to bypass the longer chain of motivations by establishing a direct link between the task and the primal emotional rewards or consequences, thereby enhancing motivation and task engagement.

Interdisciplinary Analysis:
This framework intersects psychology, particularly motivational psychology and behavioral conditioning, with insights from neuroscience regarding the unconscious mind’s role in behavior. By understanding how primal emotions drive human behavior, individuals can strategically align their tasks and goals with these deeper motivations, potentially leading to more effective behavior change and addiction treatment strategies. The approach acknowledges the limitations of conscious willpower and suggests that significant behavior change is more likely when the unconscious mind’s priorities are directly engaged.
In conclusion, the video transcript provides a perspective that complements the initial analysis, offering concrete strategies for leveraging the subconscious mind’s capacity to process and respond to primal emotions. This reinforces the thesis that willpower alone is often insufficient for lasting behavior change, and that addressing deeper, subconscious motivations is crucial for overcoming addiction and implementing positive behavior changes.

Hypnosis tracks
HYPNOSIS- Easy Semen Retention; become Unstoppable

Semen Retention Meditation for Power, Wealth, Attraction & Success (Powerful Guided Visualization)

Cleanup and Reset - Nimja Hypnosis
This above hypnosis track Cleanup and Reset was particularly useful for me because of the type of *** I had recently watched.

Affirmation tracks
Liberating NoFap Affirmations | Reprogram Your Mind For Reboot Discipline, Confidence, and Success
High-Minded NoFap Affirmations
Repeated affirmations can positively affect behavior change for addiction by influencing the subconscious mind. Affirmations are positive, empowering statements repeated with intention and focus, aimed at reinforcing self-esteem and changing negative thought patterns. When these affirmations are repeated consistently, they can penetrate the subconscious mind, which influences a vast majority of our behaviors and thought patterns.
The concept relates closely to the subconscious mind’s role in behavior and habit formation. Since the subconscious can be influenced by repetition and emotional resonance, affirmations that are aligned with positive behaviors and self-concepts can help reshape underlying beliefs and attitudes. For instance, someone struggling with addiction might use affirmations like “I am in control of my choices” or “Every day, I become a healthier version of myself” to reinforce their sense of agency and commitment to health.
This method aligns with the idea discussed earlier that the subconscious mind processes and acts upon the information that resonates with it emotionally and repetitively. By changing the narrative within the subconscious through repeated affirmations, individuals can create a more supportive inner dialogue, which is crucial for overcoming addictive behaviors. This change can lead to increased motivation, self-esteem, and resilience, all of which are important for behavior change and recovery from addiction.

Subliminal nofap
No Fap subliminal 1
No Fap subliminal 2

Subliminal audio and video aim to influence behavior by bypassing the conscious mind and directly communicating with the subconscious. These stimuli are below the threshold of conscious perception, meaning they are not consciously seen or heard, but the brain still processes them. The concept is grounded in the idea that the subconscious mind has a significant impact on behavior, more so than the conscious mind, as it processes a vast amount of information beyond our conscious awareness.
In the context of addiction and behavior change, subliminal messages could be designed to reinforce positive behaviors and attitudes or to weaken the appeal of addictive substances or activities. Since the subconscious mind is believed to process and store all our habits and impulses, including unhealthy ones, influencing it can be crucial for long-term behavior change
By repeatedly exposing oneself to positive, affirming messages related to self-control, health, or the negative aspects of addiction, the subconscious mind might begin to associate these positive attributes with one’s behavior and identity, thereby aiding in the reduction or cessation of addictive behaviors.

affirmation apps for your phone

Affirmation apps harness the power of technology to instill positive thought patterns and behaviors, making them a valuable tool for personal development and behavior change. By providing regular, easy access to positive affirmations, these apps can help reprogram the subconscious mind, replacing negative beliefs and habits with positive ones. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to overcome addictions or negative behavior patterns.

Bombarding the Subconscious with Positivity: The regular notifications from affirmation apps serve as frequent reminders of one’s goals, values, and self-worth, effectively bombarding the subconscious mind with positivity. This constant stream of positive input is crucial as the subconscious mind absorbs information from our environment to form beliefs and behaviors. By replacing negative stimuli, which might trigger a relapse into addiction, with positive affirmations, these apps can help shift the focus and energy towards recovery and self-improvement.

Contrast with Negative Stimuli: In the context of addiction, negative stimuli, such as stress, anxiety, or reminders of addictive behaviors, can increase the risk of relapse. Regular exposure to positive affirmations can help counteract these triggers, providing psychological resilience and a buffer against negative influences. This positive reinforcement can be particularly effective when the brain is in a receptive state, reinforcing a positive mindset and healthy habits.

Turning Off Non-Critical Notifications: To enhance the effectiveness of affirmation apps, it’s crucial to minimize distractions and maintain healthy dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward and pleasure, and its dysregulation is often linked to addiction. Excessive notifications, especially from social media apps, can lead to dopamine spikes, followed by crashes, leading to a cycle of dependency and distraction. By turning off notifications for non-critical apps, individuals can reduce unnecessary distractions and dopamine fluctuations, making the positive affirmations more impactful.

Increasing the Ratio of Positive Affirmations: By prioritizing affirmation notifications over non-essential ones, individuals can increase the ratio of positive to negative inputs they receive throughout the day. This practice can help maintain a positive and focused mindset, aiding in the gradual reprogramming of the subconscious mind. The constant reinforcement of positive messages helps in developing a more positive self-image and outlook, which is vital for breaking free from addictive patterns and fostering lasting behavior change.

8 hour nofap track for sleep
8 hours affirmations

Playing affirmations while asleep is based on the concept that the subconscious mind continues to process information even when we are not consciously aware, such as during sleep. This method, often associated with techniques like hypnopaedia or sleep-learning, hinges on the belief that the subconscious can absorb information during certain stages of sleep, particularly during the non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages when the brain is less active but still receptive.
The effectiveness of playing affirmations during sleep for behavior change is rooted in several psychological principles:

  • Repetition and the Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind learns and forms habits through repetition. By playing affirmations repeatedly during sleep, the theory suggests that these positive messages can reinforce desired beliefs and behaviors by becoming embedded in the subconscious, similar to how repeated exposure during wakefulness can affect subconscious thought patterns.

  • Reduced Critical Thinking: During wakefulness, affirmations can sometimes be met with skepticism or dismissed by the conscious mind’s critical thinking barriers. In contrast, when asleep, these barriers are lower, potentially allowing affirmations to be accepted more readily by the subconscious.

  • Emotional and Psychological Receptivity: Sleep is a time when the brain processes emotions and consolidates memories. If affirmations are integrated into this process, they may help in forming positive associations and reinforcing desired self-perceptions and behaviors.

Products that have helped me
These following “hacks” cost money, so that might not be an option for some of you, however I do see these as all good investments regardless if you think it is “cheating” in some way, which one could argue that it is, these are just obscure products that I’ve discovered, that have benefited me.

Nucalm is probably out of most people’s price range but I’m just highlighting the importance of alleviating stress, which is a huge trigger for most people. I suggest searching for theta binaural beats on YouTube and combine with a relaxing hypnosis track, you will get most of the benefits of Nucalm that way for free.

NuCalm for Anxiety : A Natural Solution for Stress Relief

What is Nucalm - Video

NuCalm can deliver alpha to theta frequencies through its neuroacoustic software, which is explained further on, to entrain and sync the brain electrical activity to these frequencies specifically.

Sometimes the brain will dip into the delta state, especially if the user is very sleep deprived, but NuCalm’s main goal is to get the user into the state right of the verge of sleep and wakefulness. This is the optimal recovery zone of the body, and spending enough time in this state every day is essential to our health. This is the state where the parasympathetic system thrives and replenishes our body’s resources that were depleted with stress and sympathetic dominance.

Free Theta Brain Wave Binaural Beats to play with a hypnosis track

Affirmations and suggestions are thought to go in at a deeper level when the brain is in the theta state for several reasons:

  1. Lowered Psychological Barriers: In the theta state, the critical, analytical mind (often associated with the beta brainwave state) becomes less dominant. This reduction in conscious filtering allows suggestions and affirmations to be received more directly by the subconscious mind, which is less likely to reject them due to skepticism or overthinking.
  2. Increased Suggestibility: The theta state is associated with increased suggestibility and absorption. In this state, the mind is more open to accepting new ideas and beliefs without resistance. This is why practices such as hypnotherapy often aim to bring individuals into a theta-like state; the mind becomes more receptive to positive affirmations and therapeutic suggestions.
  3. Emotional Connection: The theta state is also linked with heightened emotionality and imagination. Affirmations and suggestions that are emotionally charged can have a stronger impact when the brain is in this state, as they can more deeply resonate with the individual’s feelings and internal imagery, making them more impactful on the subconscious level.
  4. Enhanced Memory Consolidation: Theta waves play a significant role in memory consolidation and the reprogramming of belief systems. By introducing positive affirmations and suggestions in this state, it’s possible to enhance their integration into long-term memory, reinforcing new, positive beliefs and habits.
  5. Meditative and Hypnotic States: During meditation and hypnosis, people often enter the theta state. These practices are known for their effectiveness in promoting deep mental changes and are often used as therapeutic tools for behavior modification, stress reduction, and self-improvement. Affirmations given in these states can align more closely with subconscious beliefs and values, facilitating deeper and more lasting changes.

Thunder God Vine - detox
Temporarily reduces semen count, can be used when anticipating urges or when starting out. I take it sparingly now, but it helped in the beginning of my nofap journey.
Tripterygium Wilfordii Thunder God Vine - FLAWLESS HERBS
This has many many other health benefits so don’t be put off by “temporarily reduces semen”, I’m aware this may be a line in the sand for some, but again just sharing what I have found beneficial for me.

Monoatomic Germanium - detox the subconscious mind
Use the translate option in your browser (German to English)

You can use captions and auto translate on the YouTube video that is on the website page. This is like a spiritual detox for the subconscious mind.

Melatonin - The Ultimate Hack
If you have relapsed in the past, it probably happened at night, and possibly after much stoic will power on your part, however you just can’t get to sleep.
I’m linking a good interview on the benefits of melatonin, essentially when you yawn, it’s because you have produced melatonin naturally (no blue light).
The Health Revolution # 13 – Dr. Walter Pierpaoli on Melatonin – Interviewed by Clive de Carle – HOMO SOLARIS
I say this is the ultimate hack because back in my early nofap days it got me out of some O situations after engaging with P and M.
It should be easy enough to find online, essentially it makes you sleepy and has other benefits.

Music for urges
I keep this on all day when I know it’s gonna be one of those days, highly recommended track.


Interesting post.

I’ve bookmarked it :+1:


Well done in reaching 100+ days brother. Embrace your freedom, never go back to the darkness. We all hope to join you soon enough.

Hopefully this post of yours inspires and helps others achieve the same results.