What do you think

I’m starting from the assumption that I don’t feel comfortable with my self for this reason i’m going to explain.
I’m trying to practice brahmacharya, i’m aspiring to be pure, but i still had this morning sexual thoughts, it was for a about a couple of minutes, but I felt myself a little bit cringe.
What do u think i have to count it as a relapse?
I think i should, but I don’t know, I’m protecting my semen from masturbation and casual sex (the only thing is that i have occasionally wet dreams, but I working hard to prevent it from occur, even though I know it’s something completely normal). I also want to specify that it is really difficult to control all your thoughts, I have really tried for years, but it is so difficult.

So what’s your thoughts guys?


It’s normal to get these thoughts my friend, what counts is how you react to them. You shift your focus on something else and forget about. You are free aren’t you? Counting it as relapse means you’re still addicted. To what? Sexual thoughts? You are making it worse by counting it as relapse.
It’s been months or years bro I thought you even forgotten you were addicted :laughing:


I could agree with you man!! I think it’s something personal, everyone feels and react in different ways.


The primary reason for getting thoughts and dreams while sleeping in the night and or early morning is

  1. Gazing at woman during the day , be it accidental or intentional ,
    Lower or remove your gaze, and observe the heart will be much pure. Be it online or offline, yes avoid TV series, movies.

Woman here means unrelated stranger woman, not our family members, I hope that is clear, just clarifying for better understanding

Also Gazing at woman(who is not your wife) with lust should be absolutely avoided.

  1. Sleeping with tight pants or underpants will also give you the thoughts, next time sleep with something extremely loose ex pyjama or something

  2. Diet : Some deit actually cuases urges there by giving you the thoughts, try to avoid those, some of the examples are Red meat which i believe you’re a Hindu and wouldnt consume, another is Raw onion, please research on this more as per your diet, ie what you consume .

Try 1 & 2 and see the difference one


A friend showed me some photos on Instagram of a girl who works on OnlyFans. The images hit me like a punch in the gut: I felt terrified, filled with disgust, and profoundly uncomfortable. It seemed like those photos had shaken something deep inside me. Has a similar experience ever happened to you? How? And after how long?

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Maybe there’s some relation with a girl who look similar to her and your past. Else you wouldn’t have been shook to the core.

Yes, did felt it in past like last year.

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Should have hit him with that Punch for showing inappropriate content. :sweat_smile:

Accidental gaze can be dangerous but can be taken care of. Treat the next 3 days as your first 3 days ie, be extra Cautious, don’t be alone, stay busy, hangout with friends and family, play a Sport etc.

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I have a lot of erections during my days, can anyone scientifically explain the causes to me?
I want to point out that mentally I often think about sex.
Even in the past I often thought about sex but I didn’t have that many erections. :frowning:

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Oh and obviously I’ve done semen retention for 3 weeks.

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High testosterone because of semen retention

Yer I think about sex all the time at the minute especially because I ain’t busted my nut for 7 days now. I’m in work and I’m thinking of sex with the office girl :joy: :thought_balloon: just can’t help it she is hot tho.

Just got to stay strong :muscle::muscle:

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