What counts as staying away from social media?

As all the members here are mostly aged between 15-24 and the elder members have enough knowledge about this also.

There’s one important thing I think which needs discussion.

That is, if this app counts as social media (in the sense that spending a time above a certain limit can be harmful too like other chatting and social media apps).

Because if we spend lot if time here, it can affect our real life progress too. And there’s a chance some sort of addiction can happen too like the anxiety to see if someone posted a topic, if someone replied or how many cheers I earned.

Tho I agree this app is very less distracting and mostly been of some good help.


I agree with you, prince. I have feel it.


Also what you said is correct brother, I have an idea so it cannot become our addiction, we can set a fix time to open the “forum” and within that time period all things we can sort out and then continue with our real life.
One TIP: we all can decide a fixed time to come online here, so no is left behind. From my side I can be online at 8:00 p.m to 8:45 p.m or 8:30 p.m (Time zone Asia/Kolkata). :slightly_smiling_face:

Everyone what’s your thought in these? Please let me know.


I checked Digital Wellbeing now.
I have installed these Rewire Companion App on “2nd December” and on “3rd December”, I spent 5hr. :skull::skull::skull:


if time spent= productive + helping you

its not waste


I think the same. Same can be applied to people who have a goal of limiting screen time. It’s all about what you see/do on that screen.


Oh I agree. Too much of a good thing might be bad and it is in this case. I’ve been there and infact, many have, including you at some point.
But it can never be compared as social media (you only find beneficial content) but like I said, too much of whatever is bad. It’s like taking medicine more than you should take.


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