What are the other ways to feel good?

Sometimes, I wonder if I weren’t indulging in p*rn/masturbation activities, what else could I have done to feel good? Would those activities be enough to make me feel good and prevent me from turning towards pornography? What are your views on it? Please suggest some positive alternatives.


Physical sports like soccer and boxing really helps me. Others includes playing chess, and going out just for fun, be in a park while reading a book (optional)


Read about this man below :point_down:


I’m actually a very lazy guy, I don’t go out except for schools. I don’t play physical games but I love playing online games. I don’t feel like reading books, instead I watch animes. Now anything to suggest?


Here I go… on the count of 3, 2, 1


I think just set robot mode on for 30minutes or an hour, get something done, wether its a task, study, assignment… Get something done it will force you to disconnect from the current mode, and gives some satisfaction

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What are you doing if not going out…sorry for being harsh. But go out explore. Don’t mean in a way that you drink and do risky things, but having a hobby that makes you go out everyday is beneficial in the long run.


Brain needs stimulation. Our reward system gets triggered by sensory and emotional stimulation as well as novelty. So reading, social interaction, skill learning, meditation, sports, creative activities such as writing, drawing etc can all be positively good alternatives to what ■■■■ offers to the brain. And keeping diversity of these activities is even better instead of sticking to only one.

Now some of these might not be fun to you or others but they do help in quitting ■■■■ because they do stimulate your reward system so give a chance if you can. In my case, working-out was a hell of effort but gradually i grew to like it as it gave me a sense of well-being and other positive effects that helped.

This is just my humble opinion. Have a good day


Start getting objectives. start by setting an easy to accomplish objective tht you can do in 7 days. Once you accomplish it, start getting bigger objectives. Until you have set a purpose in your life., Life without a purpose is detrimental.


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