What are the best tips to recover faster from a hangover due to masturbation?

What are the best tips to recover faster from fapping and letting the guilt go? Recovery wise I mean energy levels,hormone balance, urge resistance.


Meditation and exercise…


From my recovery experience…
I suggest Totally forgot about it.
Don’t give unnecessary time regarding discussion or thinking of it whether positive or in negative way. (Guilt or unnecessary commitment to not doing again)

Time will automatically heal it.

Try mediation and exercise as @_TIGER suggested.

Eliminate lust from your life (Every Human Body is same, Just a few differences in outer cover of gender which is essential for survival of human race and from inside everyone is same) this gives you some confidence and remove unnecessary guilt and commitment

As guilt was precursor to Addiction so don’t think about past because those bad memory Don’t come back again until u recall it in future.

Give you some time to yourself. Don’t peak in screen or fantasizing about that, that makes no sense logically because it can’t change your reality

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