Wet dream relapse on Day 34

Relapsed on Day 34 after 2 consecutive nights of wet dream​:sweat_drops::sweat_drops:
Every time I have a wet dream (and I rarely ever had one before starting NoFap), I feel kind of gross afterwards as the feeling of powerlessness or lack of control overtakes my mind. I was fed up (or maybe this is just an excuse) and also let myself justify jerking off with “oh well, I already came twice”.
Any guys out there have advice on wet dreams and unintentional edging?


Wet dreams arent relapse because are inconscient and dont modify dopamine levels. But you feel like a shit because you have ejaculated, and some nofap benefits come for semen retention.
If you dont reabsorb the sperm, yor body will throw it away. So it isnt a relapse, and its necessary.
You can reabsorb the semen meditating while you repeat the mantram Ham (on inspiration) Saj (on expiration).

@petrassib please remove all my hearts because I want to get them all in a single streak …

I just did just that

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