Watched porn for 1h after 120 days nofap. How harmfull is it now?

I used to intentionally watch 1h porn movies after 120 days of nofap streak withou ejaculation. What are consequences on my brain. How much time it will take to get back my superpowers?

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tenor (6)


Bro please listen …please tell me that do you completed your flatline in your nofap 90.if so then it is not very problem…But if you did not completed your flatline then you got a high dopamine hit due to 1hour porn…I think you relapsed if you have not go through flatline

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Research estimates that it takes less than 2 weeks for ΔFosB to accumulate in the nucleus ambiens. So, if you had any porn induced erectile problems, I wouldn’t be watching any porn ever again.

Without trying to sound cold and harsh sir., that s#@t needs to stop. The whole justification of a “harmless” reward is ok. NO!!! It doesn’t matter you already know ypu were an addict so buckle up and go HARD MOD.

Nothing good is ever easy but topicaly those things are worth the effort and SACRIFICE. If it were easy EVERYONE would be able to it and what value would SEMEN RETENTION be for you?!

I love you but I can’t learn it for you.

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Congrats for reaching day 120. Pretty solid figure. Dude, I must say those those stances you’ve watched would subconsciously haunt you for the upcoming days. Try to keep yourself engaged in activities, and don’t take a single chance of seeing any explicit content. Three days of keeping yourself busy and things would go normal.

I made 14 days ago 5 min porn watch of my favourite pornstar and I made cum without touching it. So now 14 days after I decided one more time properly watch 3 new videos with duration of 1hour without cum. Its softcore porn. Now I have plan until end of this year stay away from fap. All this is happened after 120 days nofap streak. Can I heal after 2 weeks and regain my superpowers?

U just threw away everything u worked for, thier are going to be consequence and u don’t experiment on ur self the goal is to stay away frome this shit that ruined ur life, this is ur life ur talking about

You want to say that fap every day during 120 days is same fap once or twice after 120 days nofap?

No i am saying u abstained for 120 days and u are throwing that away for what ?

From my experience:

  1. If you watch porn every day in 120 days you need approximately 3-4 months to be healed
  2. If you are on nofap120 days and watch porn and cum once or twice, I guess you can be healed for 2-3 weeks?


Bro you have now went into a deadfull situation its like you have relapsed 10times after watching porn f9r 1hr it too dangerous…now you should be carefull.