Vote in Poll - what helps you to fight urges?

Hey guys, I made a poll. Would you please pick what works for you best to fight urges? If I missed something, please coment and share your expiriences! It is important for all of us!
Pick whatever works for you up to 10 or less…

  • Strengh of will alone (No means NO!) :muscle::triumph::no_good_man:
  • Praying / reading Bible (God is my strengh!) :pray: :innocent:
  • Meditating :woman_in_lotus_position: (Where am I in my life? What are my values? Do I have healthy relationships? What are my worries? Am I trying to escape something by comforting myself? Face yourself…)
  • Watching motivational videos / reading about benefits of no fap / using this app (YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN GO NOFAP!!!WE BELIEVE IN YOU! WE SUPPORT!!)
  • Cleaning your environment
  • detox (device free / fasting)
  • Cold shower :snowflake::scream::shower::snowflake:
  • Exercising / go for a run / loose some energy :man_running::running_woman:
  • Leaving environment you currently are in / go for a walk / nature :deciduous_tree::cherry_blossom::man_walking::deciduous_tree::hibiscus:
  • socializing / talk to someone (family, friend, pet) :dog: :raising_hand_man:
  • Keeping mind busy (working, learning, reading, movies, overthinking) :brain:
  • Try a new hobby (cooking, painting, crafting, singing, music, photography…)

0 voters


Wow, these polls are really awesome. Can we somehow compile all the results and integrate it into the app, so that everyone can see these and learn from them. @Taher


Please include accountability forums also.


@Adioz Hello, thank you for sharing your expiriences!
I see, the movie part is a bit misleading… I will delete that.
Sometimes overthinking about my relationships and my life helped me to prevent urges… But it might be easier for a girl to avoid urges by overthinking, for guys it might be better to do something physical as you said…

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@HappySoul Hello and sorry, english is not my first language, what is acountability forum? It translates like responsibility forum in my language and I don’t know what it means… Would you please explain or send some link?

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Brother there are two situations.

First is… what helps us at that moment when urges hit that is what he do to fight urges back.

Second is… what helps to reduce urges.

Like meditation never helps me that much to fight back urges at the the moment when I feel powerful urges but meditation and exercise helps a lot in reducing the frequency of urges.


Thank you for correcting me, as I said, english is not my first language…
I am sorry but I can’t edit the poll after 5 minutes, so the movie part stays :pensive:


@neo_150 I see… Thank you, I did not realise this. If I will make another poll I will make it acordingly…

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I agree. When you think your motives, inner working and values through out mindly and get to the core of who you are, you will know what to do to be happy. I think we are happy when we live acording to our values :slightly_smiling_face:

Please vote in this poll so the results would be more accurate! :hibiscus:


The very place you posted this is an ACCOUNTABILITY FORUM, the REWIRE COMPANION. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Feenax you can copy the old poll and hit backspace while editing your post. Then, edit the post and paste the poll and edit the poll. Then, post it.

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@HappySoul Oh, ok! But wont it delete the previous votes too?

Yes, it will. You can ask us to full again. You can edit the topic name and write ‘please fill it again’.

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I think anyone can’t do this alone, that’s because all of us are here! An ant can’t do anything, but all the anthill can do a lot. If we find strenght on our mates, we can do it!


The poll is still the same.

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Yes, I don’t want to delete previous votes since the sugested accountability forum of rewire company is included in the part: using this app, which is already there…

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Hello! Please vote in the poll so it would be more accurate! :hibiscus:

I realised that keeping mind busy is more important than I thought. Thanks for the poll, @Feenax!

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