True masculinity of a man

Manly Men Guidelines.

Here is a summation of the things we(Manly Men) believe, and some tenets of living the Manly Lifestyle.

⁃ You are unendingly powerful and capable of anything you can dream of. Your limits are entirely self imposed. Allow yourself to achieve and receive anything, and it shall be done, if you concurrently put in the work too.

⁃ Your word is your wand. Never speak anything you don’t want to come true.

⁃ The modern world is not setup for human beings to thrive. We have been shifting away from optimal health-inducing lifestyles for a long time. It’s up to you to live in a natural way that supports your health, no one will do it for you.

⁃ The information we are receiving as a populace is set up to enrich megacorporations, institutions and other entrenched power structures.

⁃ Mainstream news is actively working against you to decrease your sovereignty as an individual and program your mind to be a slave

⁃ The body exists as a wonderful machine. Disease results when the system is not operating properly. Fix the root cause, rather than treating symptoms.

⁃ Let food be thy medicine. Whole foods you cook yourself only, avoid processed industrialised seed oils at all costs. Avoid Soy.

⁃ Become as primal as possible. Wear minimal clothing. Sun your balls. Sun your entire body. Frolic in sand, dirt, natural water, on grass.

⁃ Love freely, show the world the beautiful energy you are capable of and never waste a second on

⁃ Life is a game of boomerangs. What you put out, you will receive.

⁃ The past has happened. The future is yet to come. The present moment is all that there is, so spend as much time there as possible. Avoid Time traveling in your mind in either direction.

⁃ Healthy Body = Healthy Mind. Sleeping well, getting outdoors, a proper diet and so on will mean you are in the best headspace to achieve and win in this life.

⁃ Movement is medicine. Don’t sit for too long.

⁃ Develop the body; lift weights often. Practice Yoga, become athletic across all modalities.

⁃ Develop the mind; read, write, speak, think.

⁃ Intuition is your inner guidance. Trust it and follow the path that the universe has decided for you.

⁃ Your sexual energy is your power. Never deplete it through masturbation or cheap meaningless sex with people you don’t care about. Retaining your semen increases your spiritual and creative power.

⁃ Aesthetics matter. Curate your surroundings with beautiful things. Always take pride in your appearance, opt for quality not quantity.

⁃ There is a resonant energy in thoughts and feelings. Be aware of the patterns of the thoughts in your mind.

⁃ Time is the only finite resource. Only spend time with people who are aligned with your vision and raise you up to do better.

⁃ Things have power over you only as much as you give them. You can choose how you react to events in your life.

⁃ Just as your food diet affects the body, the content you consume affects the mind, cut out all garbage.



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