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Knowledge is power

:white_check_mark: We all know that the more you read, the better and more rounded person you become.

:exclamation: Now reading in itself is an amazing habit, but it may not be very easy to form the habit on your own.

:fast_forward: Which is why this group has been created.

Do you want to improve fast in life?

Do you want to quickly gain knowledge from others?

Do you want to be ahead of everyone else?

:arrow_right: THEN JOIN THIS GROUP :arrow_left:

:fire: ADD YOUR NAME :open_book: VIEW CURRENT BOOK :white_check_mark: VOTE ON BOOKS :bookmark: VIEW LEGACY CHALLENGES

:question: What will be done on this group?

1. The members of this challenge will all vote on a book to read

2. Following the vote, the link for the book will be shared to the group (though it’s best if you have a hardcover copy of the book)

3. The challenge begins as soon as the challenge moderator declares the challenge open

4. The challenge is: READ ONE CHAPTER OF THE BOOK EVERYDAY One chapter includes sub-divisions into which it may be divided.

5. You must update your progress at least once every two days. A simple " :white_check_mark: chapter read" is more than enough

6. If you have any thoughts about the book, you are more than welcome to share them here. Discussion is encouraged.

7. Challenge moderator will monitor discussions and provide his/her views as well, trying to keep the thread alive

:crossed_swords: Who becomes challenge moderator?

To keep things interesting, the challenge moderator will differ for every book. It will be decided based on a volunteering basis.

:exclamation: Rules

1. You must read a chapter every day (come on, how much time will that take?)

2. You must update at least once a week at worst

3. At the time of completion of the book, you must share your thoughts on it (it will help cement the ideas you have learned from the book)

Work of a moderator? :thinking:

β†’ Keep the challenge interesting by posting on the thread as often as possible

β†’ Remove users from the active users list after one week of inactivity

β†’ Update the relevant lists

β†’ Moderators can also choose which book to read next and it will be put up as one of the options

Interested? JOIN NOW!




(only applicable to those currently participating. Inactive/legacy participants are removed and can be viewed via edit history)

0 :white_check_mark:
0 :white_check_mark:
0 :white_check_mark:

:open_book: CURRENT BOOK

Deep Work ~ Cal Newport

Click on the red book to open it! :arrow_down:

:white_check_mark: Challenge starts on : January 11th

:checkered_flag: Challenge ends on : January 25

:thinking: New book names will begin accepting on: January 14

:ballot_box: Next book voting begins on: January 25

:ballot_box_with_check: Next challenge starts on: Januray 27


VOTE HERE :arrow_down_small:

Which book to read next?

Which book to read next?
  • Atomic Habits - James Clear
  • Deep Work - Cal Newport
  • Make it Stick - multiple authors
  • Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman
  • Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
0 voters


Book read, Author Discussion moderator
The Easy Peasy Wy To Quit π–―π—ˆπ—‹π—‡, HackauthorΒ² Ash_Matt
Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins Binocular
Deep Work, Cal Newport Binocular

What is the work of a moderator?

β†’ Should you be the chosen moderator for a book reading session, here is a brief outline I have made for you!

β†’ Make sure to update the challenge title (ENTIRES OPEN/ENTRIES CLOSE TODAY/ENTRIES CLOSED)

β†’ Modify the currently-reading book post as well as the legacy notes

β†’ Remind @debellator to make the first post (participants list) non-editable by others when the 5 days open period ends

β†’ Post consistently (once every two days at least) in the challenge group to make it lively

->Schedule start and end days for the reading challenge

β†’ 10 days before the challenge ends, ask the group for top 5 next book suggestions

β†’ 5 days before the challenge ends,

  1. put the top 5 books to vote to decide the next book
  2. begin the 5 day open period where other users who have not joined this challenge yet can join

β†’ if someone has not updated in more than a week, check on them. If they are unable to do so due to circumstances it is fine, else remove them from the list. They can rejoin if they want the next book.


Nice. I am in bro.

I will try my best to keep up the pace with others and remain active.

I already bought 10 books recently and have to complete them as well.

Btw you need to create participants list.


any book you think will benefit us all to read?
I was thinking of starting with a no PMO book but if you have any other immediate suggestion I will be happy to hear it out.


I gonna vote for Easy Peasy.

I wanted to complete that book. This challenge might give me the motivation to complete that.


Was thinking along the same lines. We’ll do that first then, skipping voting because it’s the first book.
I will moderate this time because it is the first time.


Yeah so when we are planning to start?

I was a keen reader but due to this PMO my reading habits vanished.

So i am unable to help much. I need help.


Tomorrow or day after, want to give people some time to join.


I think sunday would be better to start.


Okay, we’ll wait till then.


Second post is participants list.


I will join also. I downloaded 100 self improvement books and I’m ready to start reading them.

The first one I read, β€œAtomic Habits” was an amazing book. I really recommend people reading it.
For now, I will start reading the Easy Peasy book.

All the best everyone! :fire:


Extending invites to
@The_Rising_One @The_integrous_one @The_Ambitious_One @nofapstar123 @Sholt_Tenkerrot @Awaken_one @Doncarlo @basanaruga


Cool I am in. Though I have read easy peasy multiple times.
I am in between the book β€œHow to be a stoic” now a days, though I left it in between, I restarted it and then again stopped :person_facepalming:. So yeah I’ll be reading that itself. Though i think I can also go for revision of easy peasy.
Anyway I am in.


I am in @debellator

I will read easy peasy.


This is the fastest reader in the world :rofl::rofl: