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Stay strong ! My hardest days so far were days 27 and 32, i had to open the app and start reading posts and then went to the media section. I then did double time meditation, what i found out was eventually a Shift in my conciousness happened where my mind went out of the sexual beast hot mode and into a mode of the deep important things in life. The urges went away after the shift and i felt i could live happy without sex.


Day 6 no-fap got urges but as what I can say I beat them.


Christmas Day
Sunday 25th Dec
Day 3

Thanks be to God.
God give your blessings to those who may be struggling.
God’s Love is immediate and perfect.
I am not a good and righteous person,
but God still blesses me.

There are two fires ~
A consuming fire and the fire that does not consume.

It’s been a lovely evening. By night, and after watching some movies that had nudity much to my dislike, I struggled with temptation and eventually caved in to that consuming fire. Thanks be to God, I was saved and graced with having facetime with my overseas partner. We could talk, share, reflect and extend that lovely evening pondering on God’s Grace through Christ’s example, teachings and parables.

It is through dialogue and sharing that we enter into communion with God and with each other.

We do not need to lust and sin, but be in healthy loving relationships with each other -
Friends, Partners or Family.


Checking in Dec 26 guys. Had a nightfall today morning around 1 am


The more you don’t fap the more the body tells you to do so. That even the things that don’t make you have urges will. Let’s keep going. The urges here are strong but not stronger than me close to 7 days :muscle:.


Hello, I will also like to partake in your JJJ, here are my details: Name: Loser105, Source Code: scncu3 , Gender male, Age 16


Staying on track: day 15


Tough Days Don’t Last Tough People Do :fire::muscle:t2:


It’s the last day of Christmas and one of the last days of the year. Everything comes to an end? Does it? NO Your streak doesn’t have to. Whoever made it this far in this month, don’t you dare loose your strenght and fail. 30 day is closer than you think. You are not responsible to me, but to yourself. Face yourself. Was I better today than yesterday? I have my streak going, so damn yes I was and I can be even better tomorrow. Were you honest this whole time with your streak? Than you have nothing to be ashamed of. Be strong, learn to be satisfied with your results and not your fap. Keep going.


Relapsed today morning.
WTF! I was minding my own business looking for a certain book to download and boom! Porn pictures came right Infront of me after clicking the download bouton. I couldn’t resist and fapped.
I know a big part of this was my fault cause I could have simply avoided looking at them. However what’s passed is passed. Today, I will not do so again. You are right @Duran we mustn’t wait till 2023 to start cause when you wait for life, life passes.


That’s okay bro it happens.

I also relapsed I haven’t had much power so I will take a break I will get back on new years eve :muscle:.


What? No it’s not ok and it shouldn’t happen. Don’t be so forgiving with the sin. Support the man but don’t get so easily over the sin. The sin must go, the sin has consequences. The man/woman is the one that should be saved and encouraged not the sin. Failure is a lesson to learn from.

@Binocular to be honest, I aimed my comment for those who still on the go with this month. Ofc anyone can take it to heart, I’m glad if some can. But I wan’t to be frank with you. Get your shit together! I wan’t you to be better than Vegita. Prove that you can.


That’s not a sin its a obsession its something that doesn’t let us keep on fighting. Relapses happen there is a big chance we can’t go further with our minds and the way we relapse so we do.

The strongest are those who lose but never give up. Being a loser is not an option neither being a winner is an option you gotta get stronger if you want to be the real winner.

Once you finally get past this urges and problems then you might be able to move further. I know that. I am going to get more power the urges were to strong for me to handle so on january like every other month I’ll give it my all like I always do :muscle:. Our same problem made us stronger but its now affecting us its time to let it go. And with that every soldier needs a break and recovery if not they will die in the 1st fight they get into. Isn’t that how vegeta lost battles but still recovered and stood up.


I lasted almost 7 days with those things in my mind before it got worser. This is good for me because I am getting stronger throught the time. This challenge is not about telling yourself I gotta win and that’s it. No we gotta fight like spartans we gotta recover, train and get stronger to achieve our goals its always been that way.

The more relapses you get and feel bad the longer you’ll go without relapsing and if it doesn’t work you need more power. Take your losses a way to help you get better and get back on fighting when you got that all. You’ll see that you will one day last more than the person who stuck up with his max power and got left with no energy. I have many things which my own body and mind will get me to be on those urges than many other people and I stood up farther than many of them. Follow your way and your dream you will achieve it if you keep on fighting :+1:.


@andythepro65 @Binocular
No it’s not okay - nothing more or less needs to be added.

Thank you for being honest @Binocular
Was searching for the book worth it?
Maybe we can all learn something from it.

We are all addicts in recovery so we should be much wiser in how we use technology.

If the book were so important we’d buy a hard copy.


You Know Why Mind Is Acting Like This Just Because We Programmed Mind Like This No One Does We Ourselves Does


@lets_begin Dude I never said that it was ok :joy:

@andythepro65 sorry man but I agree with @Duran. This is not a game you know, there isn’t β€œpractice” or β€œrest” or β€œwarm up” in the dictionary of Nofap. There is only a strong mindset, consistency, discipline and patience. What I did was wrong and I regret it but that doesn’t mean I won’t get back up again.
And you guys, what’s with all this β€œbeing honest” If you lie about your streak the only person you’re fooling is yourself.

Knowledge is always worth worth it my friend. We don’t really have libraries around my place. I went to a perfectly normal site to download the book called β€œFailing Forward” which distinguishes the meaning of failure and success and how to learn from your past mistakes. But thanks for your kind advice. I’ll try to be careful next time.


If anyone is feeling sad, watch this :joy::joy::