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:paw_prints: Check in for 22nd of December. :paw_prints:

I decided to make some changes in my life. Let’s say I go for more of a dopamin fasting lifestyle. Nothing like monk mode and such, I just going to cut back on things that I associate as my dopamin releasing habits. I will work to identify all these habits that is like that for me, not just the obvious ones and work out a plan how to put regulations on those that are not fully avoidable. I announce it like this to enforce my dedication towards it.


Dec 23 checking in guys


Checking in for December 22
Staying on track.
Urges risen lately.
Let’s go!


DDD Day 23 daily check in :memo:

:white_check_mark: Slept :sleeping: on the floor :bed:
:x: Woke up late at 5:30 am :clock530:
:white_check_mark: Hand stand 60 seconds :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Diamond push ups x25 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Push ups x50 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Belly crunches x100 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Dead hang 40 seconds :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Pull ups x24 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Dips x25 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Sit ups x25 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Cold shower :droplet::snowflake: :shower:
:white_check_mark: Pranayam :pray:
:white_check_mark: Affirmations :pray:
:white_check_mark: Visualization :pray:
:white_check_mark: Meditation 7 chakras :man_in_lotus_position:


Staying on track: day 12
I’m struggling with giving up certain behaviours that make it easier for me to relapse like spending a lot of time alone, passively scrolling dating apps and sleeping late. I got to change or I know I’ll not get very far.


@ncubeanelem I advice you to read the first post in the message board. I approve everything the guy wrote in it and it will help us a lot.


Name ; SageModeBaryon
Age 22
Gender Male
Sharing Code : ta1diy


Thanks. I’ll use those tips as much as possible.


You are added soldier!

Welcome to the wild side


Add me for JJJ, I will conquer each and everything now :teacher::boom:
Name : Mayur28
Code : xttc1y


Add me too for JJJ!

20 characters


:paw_prints: Check in for the 23rd of December :paw_prints: :tiger2:

I travel to my parents for Christmas today afternoon. I will be in a less dangerous surrounding regarding temptations. Itt will be also a bit tiresome aince it will be crowded and I need solitude sometimes. I’m somewhere between being introvert and extrovert too but I lean towards being introvert slightly more.

I’m not sure about joining JJJ. As I said before, I learned from my experience that at a point you have to turn for new goals, because if my focus remains on fighting p#rn addiction than the sole word β€œp#rn” will remain there and can induce urges. So to take away it’s power and meaning, I need to remove my very last connection to it, so I will remove the last focus from it, which is this forum.


@Binocular add me to JJJ war
Sharing code-s5ptz


Lmao wtf is JJJ :joy:
This is never ending now :joy:
Excited for Funny Fap February



Fight for February :fire:

This is officially the RC monthly challenge.


Good point man and not a bad idea at all.
Every thing that takes your attention has the power over you. If you give PMO many attention then how could you want to stop it?

So for our safety, let’s block Google, YouTube, and social media cause they might give us urges and we will be reminded of our addiction cause the internet is full of them. And I will leave this forum cause it’s also a reminder of it.

Well, that depends.

You can’t block Google or social media or YouTube for this is part of the evolution of mankind. Google and YouTube can be very useful if you learn how to truly use it and benefit from it. Social media gathered many people from all around the world. And Rewire Companion Forum is a place for rewiring together and find the best versions of ourselves.
There are many members here still gather even after rewiring. I guess that this place is more special than that. I sometimes come here and forget it’s a forum about PMO addiction :joy:
It’s quite important to truly understand the saying:
β€œEvery thing that takes your attention has the power over you”
What about studying for example? If I want to succeed and get the job that I want I must make studying my big goal to always stay consistent. Ok now what?
Every thing that takes your attention has the power over you:
Build the dream and the dream will build you. If you truly focus on Nofap you will succeed cause it has the power over you. If you want to continue PMO you will cause it has the power over you.

Alright! Now we know our goal! Let’s gather together, soldiers, and let’s accomplish our dreams like a one strong united army!

LET’S GOOO!!! :eagle:


Checking day 23.
Current streak: 80 days.

Spent the whole day with my girlfriend in her home town of Veliko Tarnovo. It was satisfying. I love her more than anything. Now I’m travelling back to Pleven with a train and I’m using my phone, instead of the laptop.

Keep grinding, bros :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1:


Day 8 :white_check_mark:
Day 9 :ballot_box_with_check:

Tomorrow is day 10 :smile:
I realized today the importance of being a leader of an army. I must be worthy cause a true leader must motivate his men not only with words but also with his actions.
If the leader is down what would that do to the army’s spirit? It’s like a strong ship but without a sailor, drifting far away to the unknown without a captain to drive it.
I failed in November and December! I will not do so again. No, that’s enough!

Can you hear me PMO!? You’re not dealing with your average Super Saiyan Blue anymore! Behold the true ultimate power of a Saiyan warrior!!! :eagle:

Choose your destiny with the presence of your mind and heart
  • I will succeed. I am determined and disciplined. I know I will. No more lying to myself in each relapse. I want my life back.
  • I can’t. It’s impossible. Plus, my life is ok even with PMO. I can live with it.

0 voters


What army do you lead?