The winners will be the First 8 persons...90 days streak on your counter challenge from 28-04-2020


The challenge starts from their joining date…
Joining date can be checked from scoreboard history…@Alegend

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So does that mean that everybody’s 90days counter starts from their day of registration to this challenge???
Please clarify.

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ufg8bt here’s my code let’s go.

Yes,you are right…:blush:

But checking the scoreboard history is very cumbersome.


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“A warriors most effective weapon… is patience”


@arata_shindo @soulmatesourav130012 brother what is your sharing code??

Send your full details…

Sharing code
Current streak -
Highest streak -
Age -
Gender -
Location -

@Martial_Beast 43d
@HappySoul 6d
@SelfConqurer 18d
@TheDominator 6d
@buntyak 5d
@NoFapMaster69HD 12d
@Shyone 13d
@Brahmachari_17 49d
@Yopai 5d
@Saksham3 22d

I am making this challenge some intresting…

The 90 days challenge…

From 28-04-2020…

The winners will be the first 8 members who reach 90 days first…
You have to update your streak one’s in 12 days…
If anyone failed to update his/her streak …will be removed from this group/challenge…

For new commers…
The streak will be counted from his/her joining date…


@Ashu321 175d
@ERNOL 140d
Please read the above message…

ovgvu4 this is my code anybody wants to challenge

@Sutesh please update yourself in scoreboard…

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