Never, ever underestimate yourself, your size or your abilities, whether it’s the size of your stature or the size of your manhood (you know what I mean). God never makes mistakes. Love yourself and go for what you want. Exercise self-confidence, self-respect, and don’t live to please other people.
Constantly increase your all-round capacity to handle difficulty and keep growing and always fall forward — never fall backward. Men never fail. They only stumble. Take challenges of life as a man and as they come, and never succumb to failure or defeat.
A man without brains will always be frowned upon by other men and women. Simply exercise your brain by making a habit of reading good books. Your brain is elastic and will continue to expand until you stop feeding it with information.
Take care of your woman; love her and she will love you back — she won’t leave you. Hustle if possible. She’ll know you’re working hard to maintain her and her children.
Never allow yourself to go broke. Work your ■■■ off to always remain financially afloat. This will ensure you always have money on you and avoid being looked down upon by other men. Do anything and everything to make money.
Don’t make a habit of borrowing. Borrowing makes you a slave to the lender.
Learn how to communicate well. Good communication is the number one key to success.
A good communicator will never lack food on the table or a job. A bad communicator will be denied food even by his own wife or girlfriend.
Perform regular physical exercises to keep fit and take care of your diet. Take good care of your body and avoid gaining weight. It is the container that will take you places if you take care of it.
Meditate regularly to strengthen your body, soul (mind) and spirit. Get enough rest. You need a healthy spirit to have a strong, healthy brain and to think clearly. A strong spirit equals a strong body.
Dress well and groom yourself. Wear good clothes if you can afford it. Grooming well makes you attractive to both men and women. People will want to know you better if you’re a well-groomed man.
Acquire a good education, but above all, acquire self-education. Invest in yourself. Catch up with the latest trends and don’t miss anything. It helps to be well informed politically, economically and technologically.