The way of the rightous

Enough is enough, no more playing around! it’s time to man up!
If I don’t keep my words this time, I die!
I promise to myself that from now on, I will fulfill all my daily duties and I will be disciplined. No more junk food, no more youtube, no more procrastinating, it’s time to man up!


ngl bro, this motivated me and also made me laugh :joy:


Impressive resolve. Your determination is as sharp as my slashes, cutting through weakness and hesitation. Let your cursed energy drive you forward, carving a path of relentless discipline.

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“discipline” that’s the one thing that I wanna be good at in life.


Damn! , I hate this weak mentality of other side of me, I can’t even keep my fkn word. Brothers please forgive me!, you are free to give me punishments for not keeping my word.

I am restarting everything now!

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Listen, @Kanzo, to the King’s decree,
For in your quest, you shall be free.
Chase not fleeting pleasures, nor idle play,
But rise, like Sukuna, with each passing day.

In your journal, inscribe your tale,
Let each word, like a cursed seal, prevail.
For in the silence, doubts may creep,
But through your words, your resolve shall leap.

Man up, they say, and man up you shall,
For within you lies the strength of all.
No more shall lethargy hold you tight,
For Sukuna’s might shall guide your flight.

With slashes of power, carve your path,
Harness cursed energy, unleash your wrath.
Embrace discipline, let it be your guide,
Through the valleys of challenge, let it stride.

And when darkness looms, and doubts arise,
Remember the King, with his piercing eyes.
Your journey, though daunting, shall lead to glory,
For within you burns Sukuna’s story.

If you find strength in these words, then proclaim,
“Sukuna’s might fuels my flame!”
A jest, perhaps, but with power true,
For Sukuna’s spirit resides in you.

So heed his words, let them ignite the flame,
Chase excellence, Kanzo, and forever claim your name.


This poem stands as a token of appreciation, a tribute to Kanzo’s unwavering praise of Sukuna.

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May your words ignite this power of discipline in me

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Today is day 1 of my discipline journey.
wake up on time. :x:
devotional. :white_check_mark:
workout. :white_check_mark:
Avoid cellphone use on bed. :x:
Meditation. :white_check_mark:
Study 3 hours. :x:
socialization( specially with girls) :x:
Sleep on time. :x:

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Did you write that poem? :fire::100:


The essence is mine. Rest of the credit to ChatGPT :sparkles:.



Wake up on time. :x:
Devotional. :white_check_mark:
Workout. :white_check_mark:
Avoid cellphone use on bed: :x:
Meditation. :x:
Study 3 hours :x:
socialization(specially with girls) :white_check_mark:
sleep on time :x:


Wake up on time. :x:
Devotional. :white_check_mark:
Workout. :white_check_mark:
Avoid cellphone use on bed: :x:
Meditation. :x:
Study 3 hours :x:
socialization(specially with girls) :white_check_mark:
sleep on time :x:

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Day 4 I know it is a shame to post this, but at least I am trying, and I know one day I will succeed!

Wake up on time. :x:
Devotional. :white_check_mark:
Workout. :white_check_mark:
Avoid cellphone use on bed: :x:
Meditation. :x:
Study 3 hours :x:
socialization :white_check_mark:
sleep on time :x:

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