The role of energy and thought on health


Optimal health is a multifaceted endeavour. It is not ONLY limited to diet and exercise. As humans are also capable of holding, manipulating and receiving energy, this energy in turn can affect our health as well. Our mental state, as well as our spiritual state has follow on effects on the health of our bodies. If we want to become truly healthy, then we need to act in our lives in a world that encourages positive healing energy.

Have you ever heard of someone being so angry, upset and stressed that they give themselves health conditions?
Stress is one of the top killers of people in general. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts in a way that might tell you that something isn’t right. Stressful chemicals are released whenever you go through stressful situations, and if you repeat the memory of these things over and over, you are at risk to consistently soak your body in chemical messengers which impede bodily function which then manifests into physical symptoms.

Good will to all is a key to a long and healthy life. Wish everyone well and you will benefit. Do not hold grudges and resentments. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It quite literally means you will emit negative low vibrational energy to your own physical body consistently, which will eventually mean you bring about physical health problems.

They say that laughter is the best medicine. This is due to the endorphins and chemicals released inside the body when we are in that happy state. The energy we are emitting to others and therefore our own cells is a healing one.

Do not hate anyone or anything. This does not mean to “love” everyone when they are crazy, cruel, mean, or nasty. It means do not make a fetish out of hating and disliking anything or anyone. To those that have wronged you, forgive them. This is for your own sake, to let go of the negativity that could poison you.

Curate your own thoughts, for your mental diet of thoughts impacts your health just as the food you eat does.


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