@DARSHAN2017 I failed too. Youtube like 4 hrs and gaming 1hr
This isnt failure bro
4 hours in 4 days not bad
We have got this
Hey @The_Rising_One
How u holding up?
Okay so for this week i want to challenge myself
My target for this week is less than 2 hours of unproductube things (which includes youtube, anime, manga, stocks )
So it means ill be forced to reduce my youtube usage
And in total till saturday maximum unproductive hour i can afford is 9 hours only
2 hours max everyday
Total weekly - max 9 hours
So ill have to cut half hour on daily basis
What will u challenge urself with??
How much you earned from stock market?
Im in negative currently (loss)
On my way to earning from now
How investing in stock contribute to indian economy?
- The country earns tax in the form of security transaction tax
- Stock broker earns brokerage which is the income of broker firms on which it pays tax
- On profits again we have to pay tax - short term capital gain and long term capital gain
Sorry for the late reply.
I’ll keep everything same as earlier. Will tell u if there is a change of mind.
I said max two hours
But my daily average was around 3and hlf hour everything included
Ill do better from tom
Same here bro. All the best !!
2 hour 40 mins
Youtube - 2 hour 10 mins
Anime - 30 mins
Around 40 mins watching tarak mehta while having lunch and dinner (which im trying to get rid of)
Rest 1 and half hour nonsense stuff
Anime around 2 episodes that too speeding
I m happy that i was able to keep unproductive hours below 3
I havent received much update from u
Whatever it is
Since we are accountable to each other i would want to know how u r doing
For me , till now 1 hr YT watched some AOT clips.
Superb brother
U have come a long way
Thank you. I really wanted you to become better as well. Things would have been rough without you
U are giving me too much credit
If it wouldnt be for this challenge i would still be wasting 8 hours daily
0 hours today
20 characters
Great bro !! 4hrs yesterday for me.
Yesterday 2 hrs @DARSHAN2017 bro.
Nice bro
20 characters
I have messed up a bit for today and yesterday
Yesterday 3 hours
Today 4 hours