The motivation you've been looking for

It’s not a rant…just so I’m clear on what my purpose is…this is to simplify the understanding of modern day addiction

My life took a turn for the worse in 2016…after the jio revolution…it’s not like I had never seen p before that …but after 2016 …it was in the palm of my hand every second …just a few clicks away and there I was in the hell cloaked as heaven.

In this modern day of fast speed internet…can we possibly overcame this supernatural stimulai…can our brain possibly comprehend the difference between an actual partner and these 1000s of virtual pixelated partners. I don’t belive it can …maybe that’s why we’re here.

But what can we do… I’ll tell you 5 things …do only that for only 7 days and then tell me…if you can stop your brain from falling for.p.again or not

  1. delete all social media… including YouTube, Twitter and twitch.
  2. run or skip rope …every single day …for atleast 30 mins (why 30 - because that’s the minimum time to hit hypertrophy)
  3. read (easypeasy (to cleanse the brainwashing), ybop (to get a clear picture of what are we fighting here), and ■■■■ myth ( to understand the difference between what the world tries to sell you and what it actually sells))
  4. find a companion, whenever you feel distressed, talk, laugh and fight together…easier then wasting the whole day imagining those filthy things
  5. love yourself ( don’t loathe yourself if you fail…take a shower immediately afterwards for atleast 7 to 8 mins in order to brush off the stench)

I learnt this year that I’ve never really enjoyed p …all I was doing was extending the time before my relapse …if you don’t remember then let me remind you the after effects.
. Can’t pee for a couple of hours.
. Bowel moments are f***Ed up.
. Cleaning the leftover hours after the deed.
. Feeling guilty and wasting the whole day thinking the day is already wasted.
. Lacks of focus and melancholia.( We thought we’d be able to focus more after the deed …haha…how wrong were we.)
. Isolation, anxiety, depression.

For me the worst was the cleaning up afterwards…and wasting my rest of the day…fyi I’m on day 16 now and planning of seeing it through this time… companionship is much appreciated.

P.s - Humans still can’t make an artificial eye or kidney or neural connection that we’ve naturally…do you really think God wanted you do this with extraordinary piece of machinery…

My sc code - 7otkai


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