Daily Entry, September 7, 2024 Day 4
Hey! I hope everyone has had a good day, and that everyone is doing well this evening! I know I’m on here a little late. Today has been busy, but good! No major urges, so that’s great!
@MrSam105 I’m definitely looking forward to getting to read the others as well! I still have to look for a couple of others in the series. I’m missing Voyage of the Dawn Treader* and The Last Battle.
@Toby Definitely! Gotta love Batman!
@debellator Thank you! I’m excited about it as well!
@The_Rising_One Thank you! I actually had a great birthday! I felt very blessed to get to celebrate with all of my family!
@Prayer_Warrior Thank you, Brother! Indeed, He does!
Physical Media Challenge: The Music
Okay, I’ll try to make this quick, even though I have quite a few CD’s (and a few vinyl records) on this list. I assure you that my choices will leave you thinking, “WHAT?! You picked THAT to listen to?! You are so weird!” And to that, I say, “I get that a lot.” My choices are probably strange, but I’m okay with that.
I’ll try to compile some of them together, as a few of them are by the same artist, or are related.
Anthony Burger
Now you may have never heard of Anthony Burger, but you should look him up! Even though he played Gospel music, he had a lot of talent, and if you ever watched some of his live performances, he could really make you laugh

Grandpa Jones Remembers The Brown’s Ferry Four
As I’ve said before, I’m very much a fan of old things, including old music. This is an album that I found in an antique mall on a vinyl record, and it’s become a favorite of mine! It’s not very fancy, but it’s very soothing for me! This will definitely be my Sunday Morning listen! If you get a chance, it’s on Spotify, but I’ll be listening to it on my turntable for this challenge.
The Crow, Steve Martin
This is one of those albums that kinda grew on me. I didn’t care for it at first, but after listening to it, it’s actually became one of my favorites! Steve Martin has a lot of great instrumentals on this album, that, while they are played on folk instruments (banjo, guitar, fiddle, mandolin), are not neccessarily what you’d expect. Words Unspoken is probably my favorite instrumental from this album, and I highly recommend giving it a listen! Again, very soothing!
**Double Time, Bela Fleck
Bela Fleck, how do you describe him? Again, though his instrument is a staple of bluegrass music (banjo), his use of it at times is anything but traditional bluegrass! This is an album in which he does instrumental duets with different musicians. If you’re thinking, “This is gonna just be hoe-down music from Hee Haw or something,” you’d be totally wrong. Again, give this one a try.
Movie Soundtracks
I know that these may seem strange additions, but again, I’ll be doing a lot of reading, so some good BGM is a must for me. Both of these films are favorites of mine, and the 101 Dalmatians soundtrack especially has a lot of good music from the film that you just don’t pay attention to because of the dialogue spoken over top of it.
The Ink Spots, The Anthology
Let me just say, I was listening to these guys way before Fallout ever came out!

The Essential Doc Watson
Being a good ol’ North Carolina boy, I had to include ol’ Doc Watson! He actually lived close to a town called Boone, not very far from where I live! Bob Dylan once said that Doc Watson played the guitar like water running, and that’s how smooth his playing is to me! I found this 2-record set at the same antique mall as the other one I mentioned, and I was very happy to find it! I’m gonna enjoy listening to Doc!
I know they seem like strange choices, but they’re mine, and I can live with them. I better wrap this up, because as I write this, it’s 11:53pm, so just 7 minutes away from my challenge technically starting.
Let me share one more thing: as I said in my last post, I’ve been wanting to increase my time reading the Bible, and @Prayer_Warrior just started a challenge for reading it through in one year. If you’re interested in doing so, as I am, feel free to join his challenge! I’ll leave a link to it.
God Bless You In Your Fight!