Okay, I’m not really good at this, but I just wanted to put a few of my thoughts out there. I hope they can be a help to someone, and if nothing else, I believe it’ll be a help to me to get my thoughts out there.
So in case you don’t know me, I’m user1234567890 (my parents named me after my great uncle, user 1234567890-, but they felt the dash would make my name too long ). Anyways, I’ve struggled with masturbation for over 10 years. What I never realized until this year is that I have had trouble with something known as macrophilia (which involves fantasies involving giant women, I know it’s weird). For many years, I’d look up stuff that was related to this fantasy (Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, anything involving giant women would turn me on), and even up until recently, I’ve struggled with this.
But one night recently, I had relapsed, and I was looking up stuff related to macrophilia, and ran into something that really made me think. I ran into a clip of (apparently) a horror TV show that showed a guy that had been shrunk (weird thing, I actually have trouble saying that word out loud, it’s a weird quirk for me. anyways, back on subject) to the size of a bug, and a woman came in the room and mistook him for a roach, and struck him repeatedly with a newspaper, which resulted in him becoming a gory greasy spot on the back of the newspaper she was using.
Now when I saw this, it actually really creeped me out, and oddly enough, unlocked a long forgotten memory for me. You see, I wasn’t always turned on by macrophilia; in fact, anything that had to do with a human being being shrunk actually kinda low-key scared me. Now, of course, there’s no known way that could happen, but it was a real fear for me as a child. I remember seeing the commercial for Honey, I Shrunk The Kids, and getting creeped out by that scene where his dad almost eats him in his cereal.
This, in turn, got me to thinking: Where did the change take place? Why was I scared of this to begin with, and why do I now try to use this as a fantasy?
Well, I came to the conclusion that my reason for being afraid of it is what I would call “The Pac-Man Effect”. You see, in Pac-Man, when he eats a Pac-Pellet, all the ghosts turn blue, and the tables are turned on them, and they no longer have power over him for a short interval of time; in this same way, I believe that it scared (and even scares me) to think of not being in control of something in my life. Often I fear, or even hate, feeling helpless, or like I can’t do something by myself with no help. Often I try to find a way to do something without anyone’s help. I feel like, if I’m ever at the mercy of someone, they’ll either let me down, or worse, look down on me for needing the help in the first place. This is the reason for. I believe, my irrational fear of being tiny, and at the mercy of someone.
Now you may ask, “Then where does the weird giantess fetish come into this whole equation?” Well, I think this has been my way of coping with my fears, as I stated before, of needing someone. You see, it’s impossible to have a romantic relationship with yourself (unless you are a narcissist; in which case, you probably have a fetish that involves mirrors rather than giantesses). And rather than taking the risk of being hurt once, or even again if you’ve attempted to pursue a relationship in the past, you (or I, in this case) use this fantasy as a coverup for what you’re really afraid of. Think of it kinda like the old joke about women in high heels: the way that women keep from thinking about how much the high heels are hurting them is by thinking about how much their earrings are pinching their ears. And rather than risking getting hurt by another girl, I’ve used this twisted fantasy of a girl using me, if for no other reason, for her own self-gratification.
Maybe none of that makes sense, but somehow it makes sense in my weird mind.
The truth is, I know that I don’t really crave having giant-sized sex. What I really crave is having a real relationship, within marriage, with a (normal-sized) girl who really loves me, and who I can love. But rather than pursue an actual relationship, I pursue this fantasy, because, at the end of the day, if it hurts me, it’s just all in my head: (seemingly) no real-world consequences.
So what do I do with this information? Well, first and foremost, I believe I need to seek to find my fulfillment and my confidence in God. I believe by deepening my trust and relationship in Him, I will find the fulfillment that I seek. Second, I need to learn to exercise a little more understanding and patience with those around me, and cut down on the paranoia, especially with girls. As for anything else, I’m not really sure. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m still seeking them, and that’s a step in the right direction. As I heard one psychologist say recently, “Be curious about yourself, without being harsh with yourself.” I’m still asking those questions about myself, and trying to learn what the solution is. Of course, I’m also seeking the answers prayerfully, and I know that God will lead and guide me in the right way, as He has promised to do.
So if you’ve made it this far (congratulations, by the way, for not falling asleep through all that ), you may be asking, “Why did you even bother to type all this junk out?” Well, to be honest, when I first discovered masturbation and didn’t even know what it was called, I thought I was the only person who did it. And then after I discovered what masturbation was called, I thought I was the only one who had these weird fantasies, and struggled with them. In other words, I thought I was the only one, and that I was all alone. Maybe I’m the only one on here who’s struggled with this, but if not, I hope that this can be a help to someone just to know that they’re not alone either.
I don’t know how frequently I’ll post on this, but I’d like to post at least weekly, so I’ll try to post something new by next week!