The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Great to hear your reasons and your visions . Welcome to this challenge @EmeraldArcher . And yes nofap will really improve your sexual energy and your focus. You have taken the right path, now itā€™s time to win this addiction once and for all. All the best warrior. You are now an apprentice and you will have to go through all the way upto the heroā€™s zone.

And make sure to practice this method atleast 10 times a day :blush:


Welcome, hero @EmeraldArcher! Your apprenticeship begins today!

Many reasons to break free, brother! When we truly want to be free, we will. Great show of commitment there. Follow @tukuā€™s advice :slightly_smiling_face:


@Wyatt Congratulations on your new job brother! Fantastic work!

@tuku Powerful motivation man!

@Bytewar Youā€™ve come back strong bro!

@Spirituals11 Sad to see you fell again, brother. The challenge is always here for you, you can get back up again. Remind yourself how painful relapsing is and decide that youā€™re not going back there again.

Check-in Day 30 (Day 210 hard mode with GODā€™s Help)
:white_check_mark: One affirmation: I am happy.
:pray:t5: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: I am thankful for good health.
:shower: Progress for the day: Another day free and clean!
:exploding_head: Number of urges: 0
:person_fencing: Number of practices: 10+


I commit to the rules and promise myself to be focused

My goals and ambition to be completed in next
60-90 days -

  • To pass my 2020 boards examinations with 95%
  • To look after my physique and fitness, to work on my excess body weight
  • To be disciplined, more focused and work for personality development
  • TO BE CLEAN,pure and healthy

I am fully committed and dedicated to pull this off



I started tearing up at first 3 reads. At first it was like, I felt I was actually in a negative mindset, like I let myself down even though I didnā€™t relapse, just the fact that I had to partake this journey. Mid way I was like, well duh, of course I have a choice. And towards the end of my 10 read throughs, I felt a glimmer of confidence & that what I was saying was already true.

Thankfully Iā€™ve already been working on mindfulness on & off for 9 years, but solid for past 2. Also have some visualization experience too : ).



Thank you for accepting me, glad my account is marked safe for suspicious activity for some reasonā€¦ Maybe cause I have 2 phones & access to different internet connections.

Anyways, extremely excited & proud. Happy to be in this community of Brothers & sisters.


Is sex not allowed? I thought PMO meant porn that lead to masterbation that leads to orgasmā€¦or is it I canā€™t do any of those? If I canā€™t do masterbation (images of spiritual wife in my head & actual existing photos) or orgasm (from sex & the ladder), Iā€™ll sadly have to do different challenges. I just have different philosophical views. @Sahas @Forerunner

If this is not allowed, is there some way I can unofficially do the challenge with getting calculated points or something but be placed in a null catagory or something. Iā€™d just be really sad if I canā€™t officially participate because of philosophical differences if thatā€™s the case with the true definition of PMO. I just love this concept so much and it would hurt my motivation a moderate amount sadly.

Anyways, look forward to hearing back.

Thank you!

Thanks a lot brother

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Thanks a lot brother :slight_smile:

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:golf: Todayā€™s Report: :golf:

:two_hearts: Sharing Code : 2sov9d

:yellow_circle: Current Streak : 103 Happy days WITH GODā€™S HELP
:green_circle: Previous Highest Streak : 90+ Days

:pushpin: Affirmations:
:muscle: I am Very intelligent beyond the human capability

:pushpin: Things youā€™re thankful for in your life:
:gift_heart: I am thankful for god for giving me the intelligence which is humanly not possible

:pushpin: Report your progress for the day
:tulip: Clean day

:pushpin: Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed
:white_check_mark: 0 Urges 0 Practices

:paintbrush: Diary:
A Good day with zero urges


First please change your idā€¦ ā€œSo close to quittingā€ā€¦ When you keep on looking thatā€¦ Sub consciously u may loose confidenceā€¦ Better to have some heroic namesā€¦
All the Best Brother


Thatā€™s such a great point. I didnā€™t think of that. Thank you so much brother!

  • Day - 1
  • One affirmation - I become what I think about, therefor, I will continue to practice calm mindedness
  • One thing youā€™re thankful for in your life - Iā€™m grateful for my spiritual wife for sticking with me through extremely rough moments in my mental health history.
  • Report your progress for the day - Another clean day!
  • Report the number of urges defeated/practices completed - I defeated all of 0 urges today and practised 10 times.

Got more work done downloading game assets for my basic game Iā€™m in the process of making with appsgeyser.

Ate so much food today, more than usual. Easily 1800 calories. Progress on my gaining weight goal. Actually getting appetite again : )


:sunny:Days Completed - 16
:beginner:Affirmation - Iā€™m stable emotionally
:pray:Iā€™m thankful for everything
:ballot_box_with_check: Progress - Another busy and clean day
:dizzy_face:Number of urges - 0
:weight_lifting_man:Number of practice - 1


@Forerunner I am still interested in the challengeā€¦
I relapsed
I was close to get to my 21 days but i relapsed at day 18 ā€¦ I was stuck in that cycle again
Day 1 of no gap
I have seen that no gap gives me energy to do A lot of thingsā€¦ It gives mental clarity, calmness and mindfullnessā€¦
I want to achieve great things in life but right now I am unable to win over my selfā€¦
2 months ago I started my no fap journey and I promised to quit smoking
I started meditation, working out, intermittent fasting, eating clean and adopted other good habitsā€¦ Everything was going fine and I tried to change my lifeā€¦ But for past few days nothing is going on well, I have started smoking againā€¦
I am 24 years old now and still havenā€™t figured out what I have to do in lifeā€¦ I was doing a job and earning some money but wth hat amount I was not able to things and manage my livingā€¦ So i decided to quit my job and study to have a good jobā€¦
6 months have passed and now I donā€™t have any job, I fap, I smoke, I have not studied well and I have to take care of my family as well as my parents are oldā€¦
I rely somewhat on them now for my living as I have completely spent my savingsā€¦
I want to change my life for betterā€¦ Can anyone help me by guiding me how can i change my life for good, I have tried to figure it out myself countless times but i have failedā€¦
I want to study because in 2 months I will have my papers to get my job but i am unable to study right nowā€¦
What things I have to adopt in my daily life to be better and have discipline and self control also I want some income so that I do not completely depend on my parentsā€¦
Please help me to get out of this situationā€¦ I am tired of being who I am


@Forerunner Brother , today morning i watched your latest YouTube video , and i canā€™t tell how it has helped me , it helped me alot man , thanks alotā€¦
Before my condition was so bad that my day was full of distraction and urges , but after watching it my view has changed , the day passed with no urges at all.:flushed:
I also watched few other vedios and they all are equally helpful for a person like me , thanks again mann . ( Iā€™ve subscribed too )
Keep up the good work.:two_hearts::innocent:


Reporting day 13 (and 12)

One affirmation - Solving problems and hurdles in life become easier.

I am thankful for - Being able to adapt and adjust to different circumstances.

Progress - clean day

Urges 1 / Practice 5+


Look @selfconqurer I have been in your place. I am 23 years old, last year I quitted my job at dominos. I wanted to earn more but couldnā€™t find any job, I got depressed and started complaining everything. Then in late July I started nofap journey and it brought me everything that I needed to change my life.
My suggestion to you will be to get serious about nofap and stop complaining. Take charge of your life, remember you are who you decide to be. Be fear lessā€¦ I told you my story just to remind you that you are not alone. They are thousands like you who are lost. But here you are. Realisation is the first step towards change.
All the best brother.


Check-in Day 3

One affirmation: Be good. Do good. Leave the rest to God.
One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: The thinking ability Iā€™m given as a human.
Progress for the day: Clean fine day.
Number of urges: 1
Number of practices: 10


Congratulations, hero @Backincontrol! Youā€™re an experienced adventurer!

Strong comeback brother! You know what pitfalls brought you down last time, and youā€™re determined not to make the same mistakes! Keep inspiring and shining bright!