The Hero's 90 Day Challenge! šŸ‘‘

Brother , I explored it but couldnā€™t find the exact techniqueā€¦ If you google with ā€œHow to use sexual energy to manifest our goalsā€ we get lots of ways but i didnt get satisfied with the waysā€¦

Same we can get in youtube videos ā€¦

What i heard is , we can achieve anything very easily with this sexual energyā€¦

@Everyone: I request everyone to explore it and lets try to find itā€¦ We will share what we getā€¦

Brother, like this, we need to frame the procedure to do the sex sublimationā€¦ Without using the sexual energy to achieve our goals, its of no useā€¦

We need to practice it dailyā€¦


Some procedures are there we have to do it to make the sexual energy flow towards our goalsā€¦ It can be converted to power and wealth. I am trying to find itā€¦ Guys, Please explore, lets work togetherā€¦


Day 88

Just passed my driving test on my second go. I feel on top of the world!!! My life feels like itā€™s just starting and i really do feel like a new me. I can be the real me without worrying about judgement, or failures. My heart is filled with love and acceptance and my head is clear from fog.


@BenThor Glad to hear from you brother!

Man, that brings tears of joy - day 88! Officially set to drive! Good going mate; youā€™re a real champion! Brilliant way to start off the year man.


I couldnā€™t of done this without this forum. Thankyou to everyone on this forum for your love a support. But the real life has just begun. Everyone gear up for 2020, itā€™s going to cahnge our lives


I also had a new nephew born boxing day. His name is Christopher Mark Christie. My heart is filled with joy and love. The experience wouldnā€™t of been the same wothout nofap, i have time and patience, and most importantly myself

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Spiritual practices are one thing. Another things are probably explained in ā€˜Think and grow richā€™ book. It has a section for sublimation. I didnā€™t read it though.
I do not know any other type of transmutation except these and I think this much is enough.

When I practice tests, numericals etc, I feel the energy going towards my goals.

You can watch Captain Sinbad videos.


Reporting day 10

One affirmation - I have immense energy especially when I do something I truly care for.

I am thankful for - The people in Australia right now who are going out of their way to help stranded Koala bears from burning to death.

Progress - clean day

Urges 0 / Practice 5


I will make a complete post with your given format upon reaching a successful week. I havenā€™t tracked my urges but still, I was able to overcome it by opening and reading messages and forum topics on this app :blush:

By the way, Iā€™m from Philippines :smiling_face:

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Congratulations, hero @Wyatt! Youā€™ve passed your highest streak!

Brother, this website is all about sexual transmutation, I believe it will help you find what youā€™re looking for:


Congratulations, hero @BenThor! Youā€™re the kingdomā€™s first hero!

Youā€™re experiencing the benefits of freedom brother - all you have to do now is keep going!


@Spirituals11 @Alfred161101 @selfconqurer @Bytewar Brothers are you still interested in the challenge?

Check-in Day 28 (Day 208 hard mode with GODā€™s Help)
:white_check_mark: One affirmation: I am improving daily.
:pray:t5: One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: I am thankful for positive entertainment.
:shower: Progress for the day: Another day free and clean!
:exploding_head: Number of urges: 0
:person_fencing: Number of practices: 10+

Latest video: Rationalisations for Relapsing


Thanks a lot brotherā€¦ i think it didnā€™t explain about the procedure for Sex transmutationā€¦ we need step by step procedure brother

Check-in day 1
One affirmation: I am heading towards success
One thing Iā€™m thankful for in my life: I am thankful for every thing i have got
Progress for the day: a clean day
Number of urges: 1
Number of practices: 7

I am sorry , i wasnā€™t active on the app :wilted_flower:

  1. when we have urges we need to do something creative

DAY 71

  • Affirmation - I am dragon Slayer, I slay urges for a living.
  • One thing I am thankful about is my nofap journey.
  • No. Of urges - 3
  • No. Of practice - 5
  • Report of the day - another Productive day, no time to stop.

Sex Transmutation and Manifestation

My partner Jon recently got me the book Think and Grow Rich . Jon went through the book and highlighted any text that talked about my particular area of expertise (you know, starts with s and ends with x- SEX. According to the author, Napoleon Hill, this powerful energy can help you to manifest your greatest desires. Could sex actually help you create more abundance in your life? Could the thing that we have been told is incredibly taboo actually be the true secret to manifesting your dreams?

Iā€™ve discovered that for me this has been true, but I want to challenge myself to something big, a frontier for me to surrender into. I invite you to try this.


Sometimes when you ask for something big in the world you really have to strip away old shit and release big fears in order to discipline your mind so that you can create what you are asking for. Recently I decided that I wanted to create the feeling of massive amounts of wealth, financial freedom and security. I notice how I instantly feel the need to erase that last sentence as I type. Why? Because in declaring this desire shame comes up for me. Shame that people might judge me as only wanting money. Shame that I havenā€™t gotten there. I strive to help others release shame around sex. Here I see shame in another area of my life. Iā€™ve released sexual shame, but without releasing shame around abundance, wealth and money. And I have to let go of the fears and the old stuff Iā€™ve come to believeā€¦ so I type this here, for everyone to see! I am no longer ashamed! I am free from this shame of desiring to create such abundance for myself, just like I am free from the shame I created in regards to my sexuality. I am asking for what I want.


I highly recommend picking up every book that you can get about how you change your thoughts to change your current reality. Iā€™m talking about something deeper than just positive thinking. Iā€™m talking about creating new pathways of thought and emotion by making the conscious choice to think differently. Stop focusing on what is and invite in feelings to abundance, love, health, whatever it is that you so desire. When you change your thought you change you current state. When you change your state transformation can happen. All it takes is an instant. A choice.


There are so many books out there on the subject of THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, from The Secret to Ask and It Is Given and so on. But very few, with the exception of Think and Grow Rich actually talk about Sex as a powerful means to manifest your dreams. I believe that this is the missing key. Napoleon Hill says that Sex Transmutation is the number one way to stimulate the mind to awaken creative genius. What does that mean? It simply means that you can take sexual energy, desire and attraction and move it through you. I was taught how to do this at a very young age and I was able to manifest and unbelievable life through these techniques. (Iā€™m sitting by the ocean right now, swam with dolphins earlier today, have the best job ever with multiple books and DVDs, I have great love in my life I could go on!) How do you transmute sexual energy/sensation? My favorite tool is breath. I like to use breath and visualization to draw the energy through my body and up into my brain. This lights my brain on fire! Iā€™m going to use this powerful sexual energy to help awaken my brain to new creative ideas and vibrations that will shift the level of wealth that I have in my life.


In order to have a deep, expanded orgasm you must fully relax and surrender into the pleasure. Can you just let go? Stop trying to climb uphill or swim upstream. Can you just float on the river and let it take you? You have to allow that which you are manifesting to actually come to you.

How do I put all of this together?

First I had to really define what it was that I desired and to pick one thing to really focus on. I choose financial freedom and security. Then I began to visualize that coming into my life. I began to turn my thoughts there for as long as I could and to intensify those thoughts with emotion and intense desire. Then comes the arousal. I build my sexual energy and let it rise higher and higher and just before orgasm I will use breath to move the sexual energy into my brain. I go back to focusing on my desire. I build the sexual energy again. I transmute the energy into my brain. I keep doing this for a number of rounds before rolling over into an orgasm, which I pull up into my brain as well. Then I surrender. I let go and just relax knowing that my desire is coming to me. I donā€™t know how or when and that is not important.

You are going to see more about this from me as I continue to play with these ideas and manifest some magnificent, extraordinary things into my life!


Any thoughts about this step??
Did they mean masturbation here??
Guys, this is very importantā€¦ i want everyone to give their thoughts on thisā€¦

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Containing the sexual energy

You should be able to contain the sexual energy before you are able to channel it. Itā€™s like containing the water behind a dam so that it can be channeled into more useful pursuits; in the absence of a dam, that contains this water, the water just flows chaotically serving no useful purpose. A stability in required in your being before you can contain this strong energy in your space. This stability is arrived at as you allow yourself to rest in the space of awareness, without being taken in by the constant flux of the mind activities ā€“ itā€™s like being rooted in the depth of an ocean so that you are not affected so much by the waves on the surfaces. Once youā€™ve developed this stability in your being, itā€™s easy to contain even the strongest surges of sexual energy without being taken in by it completely.

The most normal human reaction to a surge of sexual energy in them is to immediately expend it via some sexual activity, one reason for this behavior is that you find it difficult to contain such a huge surge of energy and find it a relief to expel it through the release of a sexual activity. This behavior is an indication that you are quite helpless, and powerless, in front of this energy which seems to ā€œdriveā€ you rather than you channeling it the way you want. Also, a lot of people try to suppress the sexual energy in them (especially people who have misplaced spiritual beliefs) out of guilt, or fear, which ends up creating resistances to the natural flow of life energy in them ā€“ this is another extreme of being powerless to your sexuality because now you fear it.

A lot of men, and women, have committed sexual acts in the impulse of the moment, under the influence of the strong sex drive within them, which they later regret, sometimes even for a lifetime. Some terrible violent acts of force have been perpetrated by humans who got unconsciously pulled into the strong force of their sex drive which blocked the allowance of a wisdom in their actions. To be at the mercy of the pull of sexual energy is like being a prisoner who has no conscious freedom but acts under the whims and fancies of his/her sex drive.

When there is no depth in your being (no depth in awareness) itā€™s very difficult to contain the sexual energy that seems to take over the entire physicality. Someone who is totally identified with the mind would almost be in a ā€œdazeā€, or semi-consciousness, dragged into indulging in sexual activities, as if in a ā€œstuporā€ or drugged state. A lot of people realize how helpless they feel against the pull of their sex drive. Enjoying sexual activities is a celebration of physicality and one should have no hang ups about it, but when you become a prisoner to your sex drive there is no longer a space of ā€œwisdomā€ available in your actions, leading to over-indulgence, unwise acts, restless movements, violent outbursts and weak/non-magnetic personality. You would need to be authentic/honest within yourself to recognize if you are a prisoner to your sex drive or if you are stable enough in your being to be able to contain this sexual energy without it playing the master.