U Can count days/write table into description at the top of the topic. It would be nice
Good idea, bro. I will do this
In a few days I will tell you about the Phase 2. It will be battles against monsters of the manga/anime.
Last day check in…
Check-in DAY 3
Check-in DAY 4
@HealingSpade bto i forgot to check-in yesterday do i have to again start from day 1 or is this okay
It’s ok, bro. You’re here today, so don’t worry.
Today a new hero join us. Welcome @ysub as Metal Knight to the Hero Association. You’re on B-Class!
#Currently heroes#
→ Rank 1: Saitama (@GOVIND-19)
→ Rank 2: Mumen Rider (@HealingSpade)
→ Rank 1: Genos (@BobDeen)
→ Rank 1: Metal Knight (@ysub)
→ Rank 1: Child Emperor (@rewire_user)
Guys, if you complete the 5 days of The Hero Entrance Exam and I don’t remember, please, let me know.
Hero entrance exam day 1 completed
@HealingSpade bro i completed 5 days check-in but relapsed today do i need to start again from check-in DAY 1 ??
Sorry to hear, bro. Yes, you should start again, this is to motivate us to don’t relapse. But let’s go, don’t give up. We are waiting you on The Hero Association.
Day 45 checking in
Ok bro …
Check-in DAY 1
Ok bro …
Check-in DAY 1