THE GLORY ( 31st MARCH 2021 )

Hey Guys , Please read this message . Dont hesitate or get tired to read this . Its a last hope for upcoming year 2021 . Let me introduce myself . I am one of the hard working pmo addicted person since from 2018 . I have been working on my addiction of PMO since 2018 and shared many stories to whom you have liked and loved so much . I would like to tell that I have failed more than 100 times . Yessss , You heard right . Today I relapsed .

The thing I wanna tell you that some days before I was a happy , clever , thinking , intelligent , strong , good looking , fit , sharp and marvellous person throught my recent life . I see many life changing results from NOFAP . Because dopamime is the receptor which is not only responsible for happiness but the key to acceptance of every challenge . Yes , High Dopamine results in accepting hard challenges which makes you even more confident and powerful .

I know that everybody fails . Yes , it does happen . But what if you are not learning from those failures . Those failures will be waste without any reason . You have to think on yourself . Just look at yourself and see in the mirror that how many times you have told yourself that you will not fap , you will not watch porn , you will not have orgasm on videos and pictures , and you will not fall for urge . You should give a tight slap on your face right there and fuckin commit that you will stop by today . And you will continue the NOFAP Journey for 90 days in a hard fucking mode . And if you fail now , you are not worth it .

The things you will not do which is enough for your streak : ( Dont give excuses that I cant do this )

  1. Delete Instagram for 90 Days .
  2. Disable Youtube for 90 Days .
  3. Disable Google Chrome for 90 Days .
  4. Dont watch any kind of small sensitive shit for a tickling of urge which will make you worse .
  5. Never stare at womens , because they too have their family and they are someone’s mother , sister , daughter , wife , and much for them .
  6. Dont loose hope because this is the last time to prove yourself .
  7. Just wipe out the internet things , mobile phones ( Calls and study use only ) , laptops and pc’s , T.V , etc.
  8. 2020 is the worse year we have experienced in our life that it made us alone at home in a room for whole day watching those pixels and shit .
  9. 2021 is the hope and last opportunity to have success to be a real monk and nofapper at the early stage or you will continue to suffer and will regret the most , I guarantee .
  10. Just dont give a fuck to your inner ego and attitude . Just skip and ignore all things which are now necessary for yourself . You are going to be Successful Son , Father , Brother , Husband , Businessman , Celebrity . And those things are not earned by watching porn and fapping all day for those pixels . It is earned by gaining respect , hardwork , working out , and having control and power to say no for temporary illusionary satisfactions which are sex desire , fame desire , money desire , and many more .

Things you will do in those remained days of 2020 :

  1. You are allowed to fail before 12.00 pm of 31st Dec . And after 1st Jan if you fail , get ready to suffer because this will be the patch that you have too wasted this fucking precious year .
  2. You will become a successful Nofapper and cure all the things which are ruining your day to day life .
  3. 90 days - Super Hard Mode . For just yourself . No PED’s , no acne , no hairfall , no shame , no depression , no anxiety , and no regret over your bad addiction who fucked you from the teenage till now and still ruling you.

Guys , Be dedicated and I am writing this by shouting in my mind and I am tired of getting at Day Zero’s and giving up for the same thing which is responsible for my today’s situation .

Yes you will be Brave , Good Looking , Super Active , Intelligent . Just for some days . Booom … The new NOFAPPER is borned and will be the reason for many peoples happiness from now .

Get hands off your pants , lock your nuts and let the dick dont get of your window for fucking 90 days . Coommon you can do it … We are tired … We are suffering … We are fucked by the evil ( PORN ) . And Now its time to fucking prove yourself .

Spread this post by UPVOTING it thousand times . Let all sufferers get this notice and we will rise one day … 31st MARCH will be the GLORY and the PRIDE day on REWIRS COMPANION app where we meet , feel , love , support , and motivate each other .

And Now the next and the proud post will be on 31ST MARCH as a winning day for which all of you will spread the post with a hastag : #31stGlory
On 31st of March 2021 … So best of luck go kill your biggest enemy … goooooo … aarhhhhhh …



I’m with you bro. All the best!

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Thank you so much bro …

I’m with ya bro

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Hello my dear friend. Sure I would be happy to share my changes with you regarding Nofap. But I want to ask that which aspects would you like to know about Nofap changes, I mean physical changes or mental changes or real life experiences. There are many which I can tell you.

And yes please do share me your reddit id, if you have one or any other private social media platform id where we can talk seamlessly and comfortably. Because I don’t prefer this platform for chat which peoples, I kinda dislike the interface of this platform.