The Championship of warriors (Battle of 6 🆚 6) [12/12 participants] ENTRIES CLOSED

daily check In✅


Daily Check In :white_check_mark:
Study (8.5hrs)
Meditation (15min)
Exercise (10mins)

Check in

Exercise: walked for an hour

Study: classes 3 hours+ 2 assignments

Caloric deficit: I’m pretty sure I ate more

How am I supposed to give points to these again?


You are not in 1v1 battle yet @GOVIND-19 bhai

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Will give everyone their opponent tomorrow or challenge any warrior .

Everyone share your 1v1 battle progression, weekly goals, and monthly goals

@Andra and @jaiva what about you guys may i add you both

(post deleted by author)

Study :- 1 hour and (today)
2 hours 35 minutes (yesterday)
2 hours 55 minutes (31st july)

Work out :- 45 minutes (Today and yesterday)
Haven’t exercised on 31st july

Meditation :- 30 minutes since last 3 days

What about you brother @anon64122840

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@nofaplegend96 , @Yure , @shinsusenju and @obiwan_66 guys there are 3 spots available in blue team wanna join

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Ok so what I did today didn’t count? Thank god. Coz it wasn’t my best performance yet​:joy::joy:

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Sat 3hrs
Yesterday -
Today 2.45
Workout 15mins
Meditation mnone

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Would love to . Please count me in.

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Check in :white_check_mark:

@PowerfulNFPWarrior which team is @GOVIND-19 in?
If he is opposite me we can have a challenge, no one is in a challenge this week :expressionless: I want to challenge someone

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I can either join the opposite team and give them a fighting chance at winning or I can join your team and completely overpower them. The second option sounds better don’t you think?


Yeah it does sound better actually And we are hydra but for God’s sake please join other team :joy:, you will be a good support for them

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Our team is at +8 and their is at -111 so it won’t be fair if we chose one more pro player :joy:. We would have to change our name to golden state then (3 years back one)


Yesterday’s study time 9.14 hrs…
4.14 (Self study) + 5 hrs (online class):grin:

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Can we add the time we attend classes as well I was updating without adding those :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


Yes, I got know when @The_integrous_one and @GOVIND-19 were chatting :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


my brothers read the rules, I AM excited to kick this evil of fap and pmo out. God Bless

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daily check In✅

good.morning guys :grin:

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