Sure but what is this challenge all about? Sorry, haven’t really read the rules
Overall productivity thingy
Thanks for being super specific
My pleasure
Oh you are looking to join, then let me explain in detail
Thank you. Just give me an idea of what I should do
(post deleted by author)
So there are two teams
You can join either one
You have to define monthly and weekly goals and try to achieve them
There are points for achieving goals
Either for 100% or 75+% no points if you achieve less than that.
Also -15 for relapse
Players from two team battle weekly in study+exercise+meditation, whoever spends more time on all of these combined at end of the week wins
And you are exception so I think @PowerfulNFPWarrior will allow you to replace studying with something else
Yes, I can’t study. It’s physically impossible for me unless I feel like I might die. Can I replace it with playing? Or attending class
Yeah class hours count as studying. Rest I am not the admin, @PowerfulNFPWarrior will make it more clear
Here’s the solution buddy
Ok so I will join, but don’t expect a lot from me. As I can’t spend hours and hours studying like y’all. I do have tons of assignments to submit before the 17th. So I will have a lot if shit to read and write. I hope that counts
And playing will also be added in exercise part so I think you’ll do fine
Yeah, i also add my playing time in workout session
Yeah that does.
Overall studying+ working out or any exercise+ meditation is counted so you will do good. You must ve spending around 4 hours a day in working out and playing + classes and all it will be good
Yeah , bhai
Don’t worry
Ok i think my mother is about to come , good night brothers.
Ok that’s cool then. So when does it start? When do I join
This would have made such a good " title of your sextape" if it wasn’t appropriate
Just read the rules once please and i will will count it as your study session
What does it mean??