The batle plan for purity Christian nofap no-porn no procrastination journey


Join this story, in which I give you tips how to conquer this! With this steps you conquer it for the rest of your life!

First tip: find a real life companion like a pastor who can help you in this journey! Dont do it alone. And online friends is not the same as live friends.

Tip two: join a bible study about this topic.

Great Bible studies: real life training about porn addiction, all over the world! With study books, accountability groups, and real life help when you need help. Its has great video’s
Conquer Series Trailer - legacy version - YouTube

Purity Bootcamp online with a real coach. Its free!

Tip 3: be and interact with people, life. Ditch the phone. Put on child mode and gave some one you trust the code to guard it.

Tip 4: stop procestination and be active! Why can't I focus? - 10 invaluable insights for more concentration
Great tips and tricks

More tips to come


tip 5

This open source book will enable you to stop using pornography immediately, painlessly, and permanently without willpower or any sense of deprivation or sacrifice.

This book is a rewritten version of a of Allen Carr’s EasyWay to Smoking for pornography, it’s free and open source. It’s success rests on the foundation that you:


When opening a combination lock, you have to enter the numbers in the right order. Addiction isn’t any different.

EasyPeasy is available in multiple languages.


Tip 6 read the short book 20 pages “Positive Purity: A Strategy For Men That Play To Win” Positive Purity: A Strategy For Men That Play To Win |


Tip 7 ditch, so no more:

  • tv
  • YouTube
  • social media
  • netflix
  • Or other video based entertainment, especially when you watch it at your own.

This media has a lot of sexual content, also when you are not aware, in commercials, in how people dress. They are therefore triggers which you should avoid.

But dont say I wont use this anymore, make it Positive so that you are glad. More books and more real friendship for me and no more fake entertainment!

Without using the above I save so much time that I easily read 100 books :books: a year and can help with several voluntair work where I also meet other and new real people!


tip 8 keep standing up, after falling. Don’t give up. Thats what the devil wants. But God is wanting to make to you to his image. So let him continue to work on you.

Also learn from your falls by journaling and make evaluations


Tip 9 read or listen to The Mortification of Sin in Believers of john owen

The need to change

‘You know these things – now do them. That is the path of blessing.’ John 13:17 TLB

There’s an old Irish proverb that says, ‘A bad habit’s like a warm bed; easy to get into, but hard to get out of.’ What are the habits you need to get into or out of? If you want to know where you’ll be a year from now, check your daily routine. Change doesn’t happen because of what you know; it happens because of what you do daily. James writes, ‘Don’t fool yourself…letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear…whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God…and sticks with it…will find delight’ (James 1:22-25 MSG). What do you want at this time? Better health? A better marriage? A better prayer life? A better income? Unless a rich relative dies or you get an email from heaven telling you otherwise, you’re going to have to: a) seek God, set down some written goals, and keep them before you constantly; b) devise a step-by-step plan for reaching them; c) stop time-wasting and start calling for more accountability from yourself; d) push, persist and persevere! Thomas Edison said, ‘Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed up in overalls, and looks like work’; and e) submit ‘all of the above’ to God for His approval, then make a start. Otherwise, we’ll be having this same conversation at this time next year. Jesus said, ‘You know these things – now do them. That is the path of blessing’ (John 13:17 TLB).

Prayer Point:

I pray today, Lord, that You highlight the areas of my life that need to be brought in line with Your will. I desire to live a life of purpose and a life of complete fulfillment in You and pray that I can, with Your help, achieve all You have promised for me. Help me to be determined and focused to fulfill Your high calling for my life. Amen.

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tip 10 surf the urge, by praying the bible podcast from john piper How Do I Pray the Bible? | Desiring God

10 Free Tools for Prayer You Can Use Today | Anchored in Christ with a free course
Pray the Bible

And/or by sying hymnes or psalms

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"God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners,

Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

tip 11 pray with this app

Lectio 365 is a Christian daily devotional resource that helps you encounter God and shape your life by praying the Bible every day.

Each day

Start and end your day with God…

Morning Prayers: learn to pray the Bible

These daily devotions are inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries. Each day we read the same passage twice and come expectant that God will speak through it. Join us for 10 minutes every morning to P.R.A.Y.:

‘P’: PAUSE to be still.
‘R’: REJOICE with a Psalm and REFLECT on the Bible.
‘A’: ASK God to help us and others, and…
‘Y’: YIELD to His will in our lives.

Night Prayers: process the day and prepare to sleep

We’ve draw inspiration from an ancient Christian practice called the Examen to help you reflect, rejoice, repent and rest each evening.

Each week

Explore a theme or practice with a leader from the 24-7 Prayer movement. Throughout the year journey through six practices that help us shape our lives around the three great loves at the heart of Christianity.

Discover how we love God through prayer and creativity (Matthew 22:37), love one another through justice and hospitality (Matthew 22:39) and love the world through learning and mission (Matthew 28:18–20).

Read or listen on the go

Lectio 365 is available in both text and audio. You can access a day at a time or choose to download devotionals up to a week in advance to read or listen to them later.

Special seasons

In seasons like Advent and Lent explore a special focus including contributions from guest authors from the international 24-7 Prayer movement.

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tip 12: go to church every Sunday and if posible every survice. In which you can meet fellow Christians who can help you conquer this strugle.

tip 13

ANTHEM: Strategies for Fighting Lust

These are six tested and proven strategies for fighting lust. I have in mind men and women. For men it’s obvious. The need for warfare against the bombardment of visual temptation to fixate on sexual images is urgent. For women it is less obvious, but just as great if we broaden the scope of temptation to food or figure or relational fantasies. When I say “lust” I mean the realm of thought, imagination, and desire that leads to sexual misconduct. So here is one set of strategies in the war against wrong desires. I put it in the form of an acronym, A N T H E M.

A – Avoid as much as is possible and reasonable the sights and situations that arouse unfitting desire.

N – Say “No” to every lustful thought within five seconds.

T – Turn the mind forcefully toward Christ as a superior satisfaction.

H – Hold the promise and the pleasure of Christ firmly in your mind until it pushes the other images out.

E – Enjoy a superior satisfaction.

M – Move into a useful activity away from idleness and other vulnerable behaviors.

For more details read or listen at the following link

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You’re doing great work brother. Thank you for knowledge you share with us.

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tip 14 Please stop watching pornography or sexual trash for the rest of your life! Its really dangerous, because its a sliding scale. The first time you looked to it, your didnt like it. It was maybe some only in a bikini, but look what you have watched since then. It get more aggressive, to woman, more gore. Maybe you already acted it out to some one. All sex offenders, criminals, started by watching ■■■■! Please see this video

Or the short video at Serial Killer Ted Bundy Talks about Pornography the Night Before His Death - YouTube

tip 15

I (Dr. Ted Roberts) had the privilege of serving as a safety officer in several squadrons. Part of the job
involved investigating aircraft accidents and discerning what had taken place and why. At times, it was a
gruesome task that deeply challenged my problem-solving skills, but the struggle was always worth the
effort. The lessons learned in the process could save lives in the future.
Like with crash site investigations, I have come to the realization that to help individuals stop the
insanity of continual relapsing, they needed training in how to do a thorough investigation of the crash
site in their lives. A relapse can look and feel a lot like a smoking hole in the ground of an aircraft crash
site. At first observation it seems like there are no clues as to what might have happened. It can feel like
part of you has died. There is the acrid smell and taste of shame in the air, and you can feel hopeless!
Yet, if you start carefully analyzing the wreckage, it will tell a very clear story of cause and effect. The
crash and the relapse didn’t just happen. There were decisions made, attitudes embraced, boundaries
violated, and thoughts tolerated that were in place long before you slammed into the ground. There
is also a cause for the relapse, and if you examine the crash site, you will see a very strong underlying
pattern driving the downward spiral!
1 Describe the last relapse you experienced and describe the crash site in vivid detail.
2 What did the start of the downward spiral look and feel like?
• List the last three weeks of your FASTER Scale results. What was the lowest level you reached each
week prior to Relapse?
• In detail, describe the Double Binds you were struggling with during those three weeks.
• Why do you think you never resolved those Double Binds so you could get off the FASTER Scale and
return to Restoration?
3 What accelerated the downward plunge?
• What were your Commitments to Change during those three weeks?

• Why did you give up on the Commitment to Change that could have pulled you out of the downward spiral?
• How many calls to group members had you committed to make each week?
• Why didn’t you call a group member for help when you were headed into the ground?
• What were the triggers that set you up?
• What boundaries, or middle circle (Seven Pillars of Freedom, Pillar 5) issues, did you ignore or
willfully violate?
**4 What lessons did you learn from this relapse? **
5 If you experienced multiple relapses, what is the common pattern in your relapses?
6 What new guidelines do you need to put into place with respect to:
• Sleep
• Exercise
• Anger
• Being alone and the need for a Safety Plan when you find yourself alone
• Dealing with family of origin issues
• Media usage
• If you are married, dealing with conflict
• Your tendency to isolate
• Your eating habits
7 Does your wife, if you are married, have a Safety Plan, and are you aware of the natural
consequences if you relapse?

8 What is your plan for the next time you find yourself in that familiar pattern of relapse? On a separate sheet of paper describe in detail how you are going to pull out of an approaching crash.

Tip 16 check in daily with yourself, evaluate if your are still in control!

You can find the faster scale here it really helps with a podcasts how it works

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“The Kinsey Report” (1948) shaped current mainstream attitudes to sex and inspired Hugh Hefner to start Playboy in 1953… Essentially “The Kinsey Report” said that aberrant sexual behavior was so common as to be normal. Thanks to psychologist Dr. Judith Reisman, we now know that Alfred Kinsey was a homosexual pedophile and the “Kinsley Report” was a fraud.

Kinsey, a University of Indiana zoologist, pretended to be a Conservative family man. In fact, he seduced his male students and forced his wife and associates to perform in homemade pornographic films. To prove that children have legitimate sexual needs. Kinsey and his fellow pedophiles either abused 2,000 infants and children and/or relied on data obtained in Nazi concentration camps.

Dr. Reisman concludes: “America’s growing libidinous pathologies…taught in schools…and reflected in our fine and popular arts, the press, law and public policy largely mirror the documented sexual psychopathologies of the Kinsey team itself.”

Sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, Kinsey’s goal was “to supplant what he saw as a narrow procreational Christian era with a promiscuous “anything goes” bi/gay pedophile paradise.” He cruised Times Square looking for subjects. More than 25% of his sample were prostitutes and prison inmates including many sex offenders. Kinsey, who died prematurely of disease associated with impotence and self-mutilation, said 10 per cent of American men were gay when in fact only two per cent were.

Hugh Hefner said the Kinsey Report “produced a tremendous sexual awakening, largely because of media attention…” This shows how the elite orchestrates social change using media hype.

With messianic fervor, Playboy took its gospel of sexual freedom to the American male who in the 1950’s-1960’s still consecrated sex for marriage. Playboy’s aim, the aim of all pornographers, was to hook men on the glossy fantasy. To do this, they had to prevent them from finding true satisfaction in marriage.

In Reisman’s words, “Playboy was the first national magazine to exploit college men’s fears of women and family commitment. Playboy offered itself as a reliable, comforting substitute for monogamous heterosexual love.”

Thus sworn enemies, Playboy and radical feminists, found common ground in hatred of the nuclear family. As a result, society now suffers from epidemics of family breakdown, pornography, impotence, child sexual abuse, sadosexual violence, teen pregnancy, a cocktail of STD’s including “gay bowel” syndrome, anal cancer, and, of course, AIDS. The birthrate has plummeted by 50% since 1960 and is barely at replacement level.

Homosexuality is a developmental disorder defined by the failure to establish a permanent bond with a member of the opposite sex. Psychologist Richard Cohen, in “Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality” (2000) argues it is caused when a male child fails to bond with his father. By having sex with men, the adult gay is trying to compensate for father-love denied in adolescence.

Cohen was gay and is now married with three children. He attributes lesbianism to a woman’s reaction to being rebuffed or abused by her father. He has assisted hundreds of homosexuals, but is under constant attack for undermining the gay political agenda, (i.e. to redefine societal norms.)

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tip 17 know how terrible the trick is

Dr. Judith Reisman explains how the Gypsy Moth may hold the secret to why men are staying single for longer than ever before. Why Are So Many Men Single? - YouTube

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tip 18 know the impact the industrie has on peoples lives. Children are kidnapped, people are forced and blackmailed. Peoples lives are ruined. Watch a documentary on sex traffic or the P*** industry!

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tip 19 see woman but afcorse also men as beloved and loved children of God. Look to them as it was your own child. Not as an object. They are created in Gods image!

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