The Ambitious One's Ranthouse

Meanwhile People who took bio maths like me


Btw all the best for ur exams :fire:


:skull: ultra legends
@The_integrous_one is one of them too .

I actually had the idea of taking bio maths for a long time till the end of boards , I was not sure . Given , both bio and math interested me equally , though I find math more comforting , that might have taken over . Well , it was a good decision as I feel now , only subject I can sit studying as long as I want

thanks btw


True. The Biology u see in 10th is not the Biology u see in 11th. Its a nightmare unless u have some passion towards it.

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Yeah , it was more like just passion towards knowledge . I wasn’t interested in medical or other field


Never regretted that except in first terminal exams of 11th when I thought I might fail in bio lol, because I was taking it too lightly until exams.

I found bio comforting as well but I always knew I couldn’t be a doctor :joy:


'll The best bruh :fist_right::fist_left:

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I have watched it . It has moved in so many ways I cannot comprehend .


Yep , its enough
Enough of the same crap over and over again .
The same cycle of relapses everytime , Im tired .
This is not going to stop until I start doing something very real and strong .

Its time to take control , no words , no fake emotions . Nothing
Only work

                                     A New Arc 

Time left : 10 months :clock:

1) 9 March - 29 march

  • Build Sleep schedule
  • Complete weak portions and revise full syllabus
  • Bring Study time to : 10 hours
  • Daily Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Habit tracker : Online diary
  • Journal : Offline diary
  • No social media

:bookmark: Reading list :

  • Can’t Hurt Me ( arriving tomorrow )
  • Atomic Habits ( incomplete)

:brain: Mindset changes :

  • less emotional
  • accept lustful thoughts and let them pass / get busy instead of fighting them all the time
  • Awareness of thoughts
  • not fantasizing
  • act mature

Day 1 (08/03/2024) :

                1. wake up early 
                2. basic exercise 
                3. journal + meditate ( mindset building ) 
                4. Study ( 6 hours )
                5. Journal
                6. Sleep early 
                7. Min screen time 

I have to do this , there is no other way . I will end up doing the same mistakes if I don’t burn and build now .

Happy Birthday big brother @The_integrous_one


Thanks a lot little brother :heart:


Its been a while

If I sum up from where I left here , I was completely lost whole march , fucked up completely .
Well I restarted from April , a new session and a new mission and I started doing well , 3 days later I lost my maternal grandmother and it was shocking to the core . I was in my cousin’s house for 10 days and also quite mentally disturbed . I hoped to have a bright start when I came back home but it was not quite it , I fucked up again and then started to change things . From them , its been roughly 20 days but I have moved a lot ahead . I have took on studying as my only acitivity to focus on all day and cut off all the major screen time but I eventually was still having relapses once in a week , and now after multiple weeks , I do not want to ignore it . Because I watched ■■■■ in the last few days and then now today , I have had multiple relapses . Even if go on to ignore it , and focus on studying , I do not want to be the person I am right now , internally . I don’t want to continue to be giving up to these shitty urges , being addicted to beating off myself , being fearful and doubtful . It is hard to accept myself as this personality , my personality is basically dead and I do not look so good either . No wonder , I have not exercised well since 1 year , I lack muscles , glow and confidence . I want to leave this completely and get myself back .
I kind of forgot why I started doing this for a long time , not again …

So from right now , I not only have the goal to be academically successful , everyone wants me to just crack that and I working to it my best towards it , but I will never be able to improve it to the limit and will be stuck at the same place if I do not get control over this . And I have learnt the right ways , I wasn’t doing it shouldn’t be an excuse either because its my duty . This is the last year and I know my potential .
I am doing my best conditionally in studies , but if I succeed to control all the things which limit me and manage to improve day by day , I can be a lot ahead of many people , by the end of the year.


I have managed to reject negativity and be more positive , it has definitely helped . What I have right now are a few good habits and a clear goal .
I will start off tomorrow with exercising and meditating . I need more goal making and positive habits .




Only 5 months remain

I started this journey 1 year and 2 months ago and I grew up becoming the worst version of me possible for 10 months straight .
Last 4 months have been an upgrade to a different person , more mature and clear . Lot more studying , but not enough .
But I would like to confess that I mentally fucked up in between , I wanted to be free from ■■■■ but I couldn’t do it , all those misconceptions , fears and urges kept backtracking me and I relapsed consequently after 10 - 15 days . I was stuck in between leaving it or letting it be . But I def couldn’t be that person . I had a very hard time for a few weeks , bad incidents , my parents were really angry too and I wasn’t very stable either , health worsened too . It felt like frustration all the time and giving up everything . Its been 18 - 20 days since that now and I am a lot better . Socializing more , seeing more . Not completely recovered from those incidents though . In the back my mind , I somewhere feel its due to self induced fear and hatred , some leftout misconceptions which I haven’t let go yet . I was focusing on studying and wasn’t really getting time for myself but I need to do a few things now since I need a mind less of worries .

So I have to worker harder , harder than ever while also making sure that my previous hardwork doesn’t go in vain . I am here to hold myself accountable for a few things :

  1. meditating daily
  2. exercising alternating days
  3. sleeping on time
  4. cutting off thoughts and overthinking
  5. killing leftover screen usage


It could not be back then
but definitely was this time


Bro identifies as nofapper :moyai:


Putting real name at first wasnt a good idea :skull:


Oh lord what have I done
After all of that time . After going through all that hell , I had sought to never look back at it again ,
But always those bad thoughts come around again at nights , in dreams , urges . I just had to be doing my work and say no to any thoughts . Well , I fucked up by distracting myself for one day . ( instant guilt after relapse )

(15 mins later)
Its time to be honest and clear ,
Its because of my mindset , I have taken too much in the last few weeks , my parents found out about my addiction and taunted me hard for being like this . They asked me to work honestly for the next 6 months and not waste time in these . At that time , I had relapsed stressing about not scoring enough even after working better , and those were many relapses in a week after a decent break because I couldnt hold my emotions after the first one . That fucked me up even worse and I started beating myself , crying while at home and making false delusions in my mind followed by falling sick . I decided to forget all about it as it never happened as it was haunting me bad . But in the back of my mind , it was still there . All that time , it felt like I am not in control , I was just giving my part of studying , but there was no motivation , only negativity and brain fog . I was consequently judging myself about the bad things happening and had no strength . My dopamine system had plunged and I could not be happy enough . My focus and memory were further affected too . Ive been feeling like since that , until today , one peek took me to relapse .

Basically , I am afraid…afraid of not being able to escape it . Afraid of having to go through weeks of low dopamine and focus , afraid of not being able to make it ever , afraid of being a disappointment to my parents and lastly of my thoughts which make me think all of this . And peeking and relapse does nothing but amplify this fear because now the number ‘0’ comes into play . The dopamine surge followed by demotivation after 15 - 20 days have been making it worse . And the feeling of self hatred have taken away the remaining joy I had through everyday life . And the fear comes up as intrusive thoughts and dreams even after I am a number of days ahead .I was getting weird dreams and mind felt heavy in the morning .

Conclusions :Lots of Fear , not letting go , hardcore negativity , lack of willpower , uncontrollable thoughts and not taking actions to control myself .

And not completing easy peasy

This post was to make sure I take it as a lesson and dont repeat it all again .
Looking at the brighter side , I now tried to see everything bad that had grew in my thinking because of negativity . I have not lost anything , I am gaining back control this time .

Please give suggestions on how to let go of traumatic thoughts and being clear :


you are experiencing something almost similiar to what i experienced while preaparing for neet for the first drop in my home
i can literally see myself in your words

and its sure very hard to get out of it, you keeo doubting yourself and time flies by


Its like I want to take control but I can’t . I end up relapsing more than once because of it too just like now . I just want to let go of feeling like this but its always there in the back of mind and with every relapse , it gets worse . And if I dont do anything again this time , worse thoughts are to come because I expected this to be the last . I want to feel free and happy so bad but theres always fear of it taking time / identity of being an addict . It fucks of so much time and strength , I cannot even be strong .