Taming once sexual desires

Sexual desires​:heart_eyes: and urges :kissing_heart:are mainly caused by temptation towards​:grin: anything which is more attractive and which isn’t common​:cry:, So by thinking :exploding_head:that as common and then by just moving on will help to easily come out from it.
For example thinking about teeth :grin: just think it’s functions and it’s uses and move on … :walking_man::walking_man::walking_man:
Same way on other parts of body. Think body as body not as any desires or emotions or any form of lust… :money_mouth_face:
Here is one beautiful video by budhist monk👇


so true…I dont think we should consider any part of a woman (except the hips and surroundings) as se%y…
Back in the days , it wasn’t seen in that way! SO weird how hypersexualised a woman is made in shows and how male nu%ity is considered funny!

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