Systematic changes along with noFap

In this era of short videos, we suffer from one disease- lack of attention span.
Our lack of concentration and focus is a result of exhausting our working memory so much that it doesn’t hold enough information to study. Brain is also an organ and it needs rest to properly function it.
To check it there’s a video for it :

Info about the demerits of short videos to our dopamine system:

Inshaallah you will get knowledge from it


This addiction is almost common in all society especially in city life. Today everyone is using technology whether there are teachers, students, politicians, janitor, even small kids.

But sometimes ( i guess everytime) what we use this so called “smart” phones are using us. When smartphones were introduced to this society it was just a tool for the people but now it’s an important part of an organ to it. Anxiety, depression were by products of smartphone use.

There are some videos related to this below:

For Hindi speakers:

Inshaallah you will find some insights in it.


Reading is habit which increases our mental ability. Today’s technologies made us too easy to get enough stress to our brain to build up.
This video might help you Inshaallah


I will bookmark this page.
I will be sleeping shortly so I will watch this tomorrow.

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Working out is one of the most important productive things a man can do. In this era of comfort and high sugary foods with low nutrition, people consume more than they lose through NEAT(non exercise activity thermogenesis). This world has abundant amount of foods in this world but we consume more than the necessity which makes us obese and welcome door for diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis etc etc.

Why workout i don’t need to explain here since I assume that many people know the benefits. If someone don’t know then only know one benefit - workout will lower your urge and increase manhood Inshaallah


When internet was introduced to the public it was used as a tool for connectivity. Now some chimpanzees who didn’t undergo evolution got it and use without connecting their brain.

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