Starting up a Nofap Channel

Hey Everyone how are we going today?

Yeah its been a while since l last been here but l come back with news.

See this society is so over sexualised with easy access to ■■■■, hook ups and sexual outfits like bikinis that tease us men etc.

Anyways l dont know about you but l want to make a different in this world. I want to let other unfortunate people that suffer through lust to know that there is a way to escape it.

So me and a friend are starting up a channel about

  • prevention and coping strategies
  • motivation messages
  • question and answer for health topics or what not
  • lust stories podcast through guest and giving them questions and stuff
    And there be probably more to come.

We are starting slow and trying to get the fundation right.
So far we got all the social medias and the channel art.
Next year we will be planning the content.

Feel free to give suggestions and feedback and what not. If you want to be a podcast guest also do say as in the future we will use you anonymously for the channel.

Anyways thanks for reading and stay AWESOME :heart:


Check out this channel trailer please


This sounds like a great idea. I really hope you get your channel up and running soon, it could really help a lot of people to get motivation to keep going in this journey of ours.

My feedback for you is to not make this all about just men who struggle with addiction. Let us remember than there are some women who are also affected by this issue as well. So instead talk about things that trigger the addictions in both men and women.

Thanks but know my intention was never just about men.

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That’s great to know! I’m looking forward to watching what you guys come up with.

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In fact we are looking for a female cohost. Its me and my friend but l think a female perspective would help the channel out. So we are on the search for that. Having a female on the channel l think will be beneficial as like l will never know their pov because well because l am a man. Many thanks tho


You’re absolutely right. Getting a female on the show would really help the viewers get a different perspective on the issue.

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Great job. Keep it up… And best of luck.

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Thank you so much. Really appreciate it

Thank you mahmudulhasan

More music to come but it be mainly meditation for chill and worship for stimulation type of Playlist

I love the idea. I will follow you and will be looking forward to your content. I would even consider being an anonymous podcast guest. I have never talked about my addiction publicly, only three people know about this struggle I have. I am currently at day 80 and I’m pretty positive about hitting day 90 for the first time in my life. I am also a christian virgin just like you.

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Aye that’s awesome bro. Looking forward to one day having you on at this podcast. This will hopefully inspire others that they are not alone and that there others a community like rewired that fight this.
Anyways have a great day and stay AWESOME

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